Bible Trivia Questions : Your general knowledge trivia round can be made up of questions about more generalist subjects such as news and current affairs, which can be followed by themed sections on specific topics, such as geography, music and movies.
Bible Trivia Questions
What did Jesus do when he saw Mary of Bethany’s tears?
Answer: He wept.
Who was the angel who visited Mary?
Answer: Gabriel
Who was the woman whose son was brought back to life from the dead?
Answer: Widow of Nain
What did Peter’s mother-in-law do right after Jesus healed her?
Answer: She served him and his disciples.
Who delivered Paul’s letter to the Roman church?
Answer: Phoebe
Who warned Pilate not to convict Jesus?
Answer: His wife
Who was a female tentmaker in the Bible?
Answer: Priscilla
Who was the servant girl who got overly excited when she saw Peter at the door?
Answer: Rhoda
Who was the mother of James and John?
Answer: Salome
Who was the woman who lied about her and her husband’s gift to the church?
Answer: Sapphira
Did Saul give up on chasing David when David went into the wilderness?
Answer: No
How many times did David spare Saul’s life?
Answer: Twice
Where did David spare Saul’s life the first time?
Answer: In a cave
Where did David spare Saul’s life the second time?
Answer: In the camp where Saul was sleeping
What did Jesus do at the Last Supper to his disciples?
Answer: Washed their feet.
Where did David go after Saul continued to hunt him?
Answer: The Land of the Philistines/ Philistia
Where did Saul turn to for advice when he couldn’t sense God’s will?
Answer: A witch
What prophet did he ask to speak to?
Answer: Samuel
How did Saul die?
Answer: Fell on his own sword
How many of his sons died in the same battle?
Answer: All of them
How did Judas end up revealing Jesus’s identity to the Roman officials?
Answer: He kisses him.
Which Gospel is written by a doctor?
Answer: Luke.
Who did Jesus teach the Lord’s Prayer to?
Answer: His disciples.
Where did Jesus grow up?
Answer: Nazareth.
How many New Testament books are there?
Answer: 27 books divided into 5 categories.
What’s the fourth book of the New Testament?
Answer: John.
What are the five categories found in the New Testament?
Answer: the Gospels, the single book of Acts, Paul’s letters to churches, Paul’s letters to church leaders, as well as the collection of letters sent to groups of people.
After Jesus’ arrest, one apostle allegedly disowned him three times – who was that apostle?
Answer: Peter.
Paul was shipwrecked on what island?
Answer: Malta.
How many wise men visited the baby Jesus?
Answer: Three.
Trivia Question: Which chapter of Hebrews tells of great heroes of faith?
Answer: Hebrews 11
Trivia Question: Which book tells of Paul’s conversion?
Answer: Acts
Trivia Question: Isaiah lived in which city?
Answer: Jerusalem
Trivia Question: Which country was Ahab the king of?
Answer: Israel
Trivia Question: Finish this phrase: We are not saved by our own works; we are saved by __ ?
Answer: Grace
Trivia Question: David used what to kill Goliath?
Answer: A sling and a stone
Trivia Question: What are the bread and wine Jesus served the disciples at the Last Supper?
Answer: Body & Blood, Soul & Divinity of Jesus Christ
Trivia Question: Why is Easter considered the most important Christian celebration?
Answer: The Resurrection means that God’s promise to save His people (Salvation) is fulfilled.
Trivia Question: Even though he promised Jesus he would die for him, what did Peter do when Jesus was arrested?
Answer: He denied that he knew Jesus three times.
Trivia Question: Who was the first murder victim?
Answer: Abel
How many of the healed ten lepers returned to thank Jesus?
Answer: One
Where did the Pharisees claim Jesus got his power from?
Answer: Beelzebub
Concerning which disciple did the rumor spread that he would not die?
Answer: John
At what age did Jesus begin his ministry?
Answer: 30
How many thieves were crucified with Christ?
Answer: Two
The four Biblical accounts of Jesus’ life are called:
Answer: The Gospels
In the parable, what did the servant whose debt had been forgiven do?
Answer: Choked someone who owed him
Who tried to kill Jesus soon after he was born?
Answer: Herod
Who thought Jesus was a gardener when she saw Him after He had risen?
Answer: Mary Magdelane
Which disciple held a feast for Jesus and invited tax collectors and ‘sinners`?
Answer: Matthew
Who baptized Jesus and in what river?
Answer: John the Baptist in the River Jordan
What was the profession of Simon Peter before following Jesus?
Answer: A fisherman
Where did Jesus turn water into wine?
Answer: Cana
How many days was Lazarus dead before Jesus came to visit?
Answer: Four
What is the name of the garden where Jesus went to pray after the Last Supper?
Answer: Garden of Gethsemane
After Jesus fed 5,000 people, how many baskets of food were left over?
Answer: 12
What color are the four horses in the Book of Revelation?
Answer: White, Red, Dark and Pale
How old was Jesus when he started his ministry?
Answer: 30
How many slingshot attempts did it take David to hit Goliath?
Answer: One.
After Jesus was crucified, who took His body down from the cross?
Answer: Joseph of Arimathea
Who wrote the letters to the early churches in the New Testament?
Answer: Paul
Who is considered the author of the majority of the Psalms?
Answer: David
Which book is a love poem between a bride and groom?
Answer: Song of Solomon
What is the longest chapter in the Bible?
Answer: Psalm 119
Who was the king of Israel known for his wisdom?
Answer: Solomon
What was used to part the Red Sea?
Answer: Moses’ staff
Who were the parents of Cain and Abel?
Answer: Adam and Eve
What is the Golden Rule?
Answer: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
Who said, “Here I am; send me” when called by God?
Answer: Isaiah
What was the main message of John the Baptist?
Answer: Repentance and preparation for the coming of the Lord.
How long was Jesus tempted in the wilderness?
Answer: 40 days and 40 nights
Who baptized Jesus?
Answer: John the Baptist
On which day did God create man?
Answer: The sixth day
Which animal tempted Adam and Eve in Eden?
Answer: A snake
Which apostle disowned Jesus three times?
Answer: Peter
What is the shortest Bible verse?
Answer: “Jesus wept.”
How did God appear to Moses?
Answer: As a burning bush
Who washed Jesus’s feet?
Answer: Mary Magdalene
Who did Jesus heal from blindness?
Answer: Bartimaeus
What did bread and wine represent at the Last Supper?
Answer: Jesus’s body and blood
Who was Paul with when he wrote the letter to Philemon?
Answer: Timothy.
Who escorted the slave with the letter to Philemon?
Answer: Tychicus.
Who was the father-in-law of Caiaphas, the high priest at the time of Jesus’ death?
Answer: Annas.
What happened to King Nebuchadnezzar before being restored as king?
Answer: He went mad and lived as a beast.
When the disciples saw Jesus walking on water, what did they think he was?
Answer: A ghost.
What did God send to feed the Israelites in the desert?
Answer: Quail and manna.
What did the shepherds do after they had visited Jesus?
Answer: Spread the news about Jesus’s birth.
What did Melchizedek give to Abram?
Answer: Bread and wine.
Who went up yearly to worship God in Shiloh, and one year prayed to God for a baby?
Answer: Hannah.
Which two tribes of Israel were not named after sons of Jacob?
Answer: Ephraim and Manasseh.
What was the garden of Eden guarded with to prevent future access to the tree of life?
Answer: A cherubim and a flaming sword
What is the first city mentioned in the Bible?
Answer: Enoch
What is the name of the city to which Lot escaped at the destruction of Sodom?
Answer: Zoar
How many cities were given to the Levites for their use?
Answer: 48
Which two men hid in a well to save their lives?
Answer: Jonathan and Ahimaaz
What queen of Bible times is described by the epithet “that wicked woman”?
Answer: Athaliah
What book of the Bible was written without explicitly mentioning the name of God?
Answer: Esther
What other nation besides Israel is to be scattered to every people?
Answer: Elam
Who was the first Christian convert in Europe?
Answer: Lydia
Where will the great feast of the marriage supper of the Lamb be spread?
Answer: Heaven