Would You Rather Questions for Adults : As home educators, we are constantly seeking for new ways to make learning more enjoyable and interesting. That’s where writing prompts such as “would you rather” come in! Here are a few of the many advantages of incorporating these prompts into your child’s education:
Would You Rather Questions for Adults
Would you rather be with the same person for most of your life or with many different people?
Would you rather be the most intelligent person in the world but never be able to communicate with others, or have average intelligence but be able to communicate effectively and build deep connections with people?
Would you rather have the ability to time travel but never return to your current timeline, or have the power to see into parallel universes but never interact with them?
Would you rather live in a society where everyone’s emotions are publicly displayed for all to see, or a society where emotions are completely private and hidden from others?
Would you rather have the ability to speak to animals but not understand human language, or understand all human languages but not be able to communicate with animals?
Would you rather know the exact moment you’ll meet your soulmate but never have any other romantic relationships, or have many romantic relationships but never know if you’ve met your soulmate?
Would you rather have the power to change one event in your partner’s past to make their life better or change one event in your own past to benefit your relationship?
Would you rather be able to predict natural disasters but not be able to prevent them, or prevent natural disasters but never be able to predict when they’ll occur?
Would you rather live in a world where there are no laws or a world where there are strict and unchangeable laws with harsh consequences?
Would you rather have your heart broken or break someone else’s heart?
What are “Would You Rather” questions?
What are the benefits of asking a “Would You Rather” question?
What are some funny “Would You Rather” questions?
When should I use a “Would You Rather” question?
How are “Would You Rather” questions useful for work?
Would you rather be in history books for something terrible or be forgotten completely after you die?
Would you rather go back to the past and meet your loved ones who passed away or go to the future to meet your children or grandchildren-to-be?
Would you rather detect every lie you hear or get away with every lie you tell?
Would you rather give your parents or your boss access to your browser history?
Would you rather nobody remembers who you are at your 20-year class reunion or have everybody comment on how old you look?
Would you rather get your wisdom teeth pulled or your butt cheeks pierced?
Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones?
Would you rather bring people back from the dead, but each time takes a year of your life or be able to grant wishes but each time lose a meaningful memory from your past?
Would you rather live a short life filled with unparalleled happiness or a long life with consistent but moderate happiness?
Would you rather know all the mysteries of the universe or know every outcome of every choice you make?
Would you rather be remembered for something you did not do or be forgotten for something you achieved?
Would you rather live in a world where there are no problems or live in a world where you rule?
Would you rather have the ability to erase certain people from your memories or have the ability to bring them back into your life?
Would you rather be extremely successful professionally with a turbulent personal life, or have an extremely happy personal life with only moderate professional success?
Would you rather live in a world without any bias or prejudice but no emotions, or in a world with all its flaws and feelings?
Would you rather relive a past moment in your life or have the power to foresee a moment in your future?
Would you rather get married to a zombie or give birth to a zombie?
Would you rather have baby vomit on you or vomit on a baby?
Would you rather use boiling water as eye drops or gargle with sour milk?
Would you rather eat dog food or cat food?
Would you rather drink water from a vase that has 2-week old flowers, or eat a giant 3-foot spiderweb?
Would you rather eat a stranger’s toenails clippings once a week or have everything smell like rotten eggs?
Would you rather pee through your mouth every time or have your best friend pee into your mouth one time?
Would you rather have bad breath or bad teeth?
Would you rather eat a dead pigeon or eat a dead dove?
Would You Rather Questions Adults
Would you rather have a toe the size of a foot or a finger the size of a hand?
Would you rather have oven mitts for arms or cucumbers for legs?
Would you rather have an ear for a mouth or have mouths for ears?
Would you rather have an extra arm or an extra leg?
Would you rather be without elbows or be without knees?
Would you rather have your arms dangle to the floor because they’re really long or because you’re really short?
Would you rather know when you’re going to lose a finger or know how you’re going to lose a finger?
Would you rather have a head the size of a watermelon or a golf ball?
Two friends laughing over the toughest funny would you rather questions in a park?
Would you rather have the hiccups every day for the rest of your life?
Would you rather have a child who’s a know-it-all or have a child who talks to ghosts?
Would you rather watch the movie Her every day for a year or work for Gwyneth Paltrow at Goop for 2 years?
Would you rather date someone obsessed with being “politically correct” or date someone who doesn’t speak English?
Would you rather work for a pyramid scheme or accidentally join a cult?
Would you rather stick to a vegan diet or have to hunt and gather your own food?
Would you rather lose everything you own in a fire or get locked away for a crime you didn’t commit?
Would you rather find out your pet rat escaped or your pet tarantula escaped?
(Men) Would you rather have a comb-over or shave your head? (Ladies) Would you rather date a man with a comb-over or a man with a shaved head?
Would you rather eat spinach or bacon if the calories were the same?
Would you rather slowly turn into your mother or start speaking in a fake British accent like Madonna? (Substitute for a fake American accent if you’re actually British.)
Would you rather leave the one you love, or be left by the one you love?
Have your parents walk in on you while you were doing it or accidentally walk in on them doing it?
Would you rather try a food you’ve never had only to find you hate it, or eat only one thing that you definitely like for the rest of your life?
Would you rather watch 10 movies in one sitting or read 10 books in one sitting?
Would you rather be gifted a dozen roses and an expensive piece of jewelry or a weekend get away to somewhere you’ve never been?
Would you rather live to be 100 stuck in a child’s body, or live to be 50 as a normal aging human being?
Would you rather find your soul mate or have your dream job?
Would you rather be in a relationship with someone who is a terrible kisser but great in bed, or someone who is terrible in bed but is a great kisser?
Would you rather have a long-distance relationship that lasts, or an uncomplicated relationship that doesn’t?
Would you rather be cheated on (numerous times) and never know, or cheat on someone else and have to tell them?
Would you rather know who your soul mate is but never find out how to meet them, or find out how to meet your soul mate without knowing who it is?
Be a vegetarian or only be able to eat meat?
Have no friends but be rich or have lots of friends but be dirt poor?
Marry the person of your dreams or have the job of your dreams?
Have a pause button in your life or a rewind button?
Fart out loud during a presentation or snort while laughing on a great first date?
Always be overdressed or always be underdressed?
Drown to death burned to death?
Constantly itch or be in excruciating pain for a whole day once a year?
Always have a full battery for your phone or always have a full tank of gas for your car?
Would you rather be beautiful and stupid or unattractive but a genius?
Would you rather stay the age you are physically forever or stay the way you are now financially forever?
Would you rather people knew all the details of your finances or all the details of your love life?
Would you rather get your paycheck given to you in pennies or never be able to use cash again?
Would you rather see Lady Gaga in a movie or see Bradley Cooper in concert?
Would you rather have to hunt and gather all of your food or eat McDonald’s for every meal?
Would you rather have a driver to take you everywhere or a private chef who makes all your meals?
Would you rather marry someone who does not love you or marry someone you do not love?
Would you rather work the job you have now for a year at double your current rate of pay or have one year off with what you are making now?
Would you rather steal Duchess Meghan or Duchess Kate’s style?
Would you rather have the most comfortable mattress in the world or have all your clothes fit perfectly?
Would you rather live in a different fancy hotel every night with unlimited room service credit or live in your dream home but not be able to hire any help?
Would you rather be shot into space or explore the deepest depths of the sea?
Would you rather spend your whole life underground or underwater?
Would you rather be a character in an action-packed thriller or a romantic comedy?
Would you rather be trapped on a desert island with someone who never speaks or with someone who never shuts up?
Would you rather never be able to lie or never be able to tell when someone’s lying to you?
Would you rather switch places with a spider or a mouse?
Would you rather have an assistant to reply to all of your emails or an assistant to do all of your grocery shopping?
Would you rather never be able to watch your favorite movie again or never be able to listen to your favorite album again?