Would You Rather Questions for Middle School : As home educators, we are constantly seeking for new ways to make learning more enjoyable and interesting. That’s where writing prompts such as “would you rather” come in! Here are a few of the many advantages of incorporating these prompts into your child’s education:
Would You Rather Questions for Middle School
Would you rather take a long flight or a long car ride?
Would you rather live in a haunted house or be the thing haunting a house?
Would you rather get $100 a week for a year or get $5,200 a year from now?
Would you rather be really hot or really cold?
Would you rather eat your favorite food every day for a year or go a year without your favorite food?
Would you rather find out that your best friend doesn’t like you or discover that you don’t like your best friend?
Would you rather lose your phone or forget all of your passwords?
Would you rather be rich and unknown or famous and poor?
Would you rather live forever or be able to ensure that someone you love gets to live forever instead?
Would you rather never be sick again or never feel pain again?
Would you rather have superhuman speed or superhuman strength? Why?
Would you rather sleep late every day or get up early every morning? Why?
Would you rather have vegetables or flowers growing out of your head? Why?
Would you rather snore while you’re awake or dream while you’re awake? Why?
Would you rather take an afternoon nap or spend all afternoon playing outside? Why?
Would you rather have to dye your hair ten different colors or go completely bald? Why?
Would you rather create a new popular toy, video game or popular television show? Why?
Would you rather never have to do chores or never have to go to school for the rest of your life? Why?
Would you rather be best friends with your favorite YouTuber or best friends with your favorite singer? Why?
Would you rather be forced to say everything that was on your mind or to never speak unless someone spoke to you?
Would you rather have a thumb war or play tug of war?
Would you rather be able to speak to animals or hear the thoughts of humans?
Would you rather climb a ladder to the sky or dig a tunnel to the middle of the Earth?
Would you rather be able to see into the future or time travel into the past?
Would you rather be able to teleport to different places on Earth or freely (and safely) be able to teleport to the moon whenever you wanted?
Would you rather have a robot do everything for you or be a witch/wizard and snap your fingers to have them done?
Would you rather have to sing every song or dance to every song?
Would you prefer to slow down time or speed up time?
Would you rather be able to move objects with your mind or have a photographic memory?
Would you rather everything you draw come to life or be able to mute people when you want?
Would you rather swim in a pool of jelly or a pool of baked beans?
Would you rather swim every day or dance every day?
Would you rather spend your summer holiday living in an art museum or a science museum?
Would you rather swim in a pool full of Jell-O or a pool full of marshmallows?
Would you rather have a pet dolphin or a pet penguin for the summer?
Would you rather watch fireworks on the Fourth of July or participate in a big parade?
Would you rather spend your summer volunteering at an animal shelter or a community garden?
Would you rather ride a roller coaster or a Ferris wheel?
Would you rather spend a summer day reading books or playing video games?
Would you rather have a summer birthday party or a back-to-school party?
Would you rather have a koala or a panda bear for a pet?
Would you rather be able to visit the stars or discover a treasure on Earth?
Would you rather go on a camping vacation on the moon or a beach vacation on a newly discovered planet?
Would you rather win a million dollars or be able to read people’s minds?
Would you rather get to read and write books all day or make and look at art all day?
Would you rather be Spiderman or Superman?
Would you rather live in a science museum or an art museum?
Would you rather be on a famous TV show or on a national sports team?
Would you rather live in a jungle or in a zoo?
Would you rather be lost on a desert island or lost in the Amazon rainforest?
Would you rather be on a sports team or in drama club?
Would you rather watch a scary or funny movie?
Would you rather be rich or have a career you are passionate about?
Would you rather sneeze or have the hiccups all the time?
Would you rather have a plane or a submarine?
Would you rather have a pony or a pet monkey?
Would you rather drink milk or juice?
Would you rather celebrate your birthday or your favorite holiday?
Would you rather travel or stay at home?
Would you rather have a picnic in the forest or at a park?
Would you rather have one pet lion or three pet hyenas?
Would you rather ride an elephant to the grocery store or be pulled in a two-horse chariot to school?
Would you rather be very good at one musical instrument of your choice or be quite good at every musical instrument?
Would you rather visit the doctor twice a year or the dentist once yearly?
Would you rather be a superhero or a supervillain?
Would you rather find a way to make food infinitely for everyone or find a way to make clean water infinitely?
Would you rather design your own Lego kit or be given five kits you didn’t design?
Would you rather roar like a lion or bark like a sea lion?
Would you rather live on top of the highest mountain in the world or in the deepest jungle?
Would you rather have giant feet and tiny hands or giant hands and tiny feet?
Would you rather be able to teleport but only to places you’ve already been, or be able to fly but only as fast as you can walk?
Would you rather have the power to shrink down to the size of an ant or grow to the size of a giant?
Would you rather have your dream job but always be tired, or have a job you dislike but always feel rested?
Would you rather be a character in a fantasy novel or a sci-fi movie?
Would you rather have the chance to design a new toy or direct a movie?
Would you rather be able to change your appearance at will or change your age at will?
Would you rather have to wear winter clothes in summer or summer clothes in winter?
Would you rather explore the depths of the ocean or outer space?
Would you rather be able to play every sport professionally or play every musical instrument beautifully?
Would you rather have to write using only your non-dominant hand or only be able to walk backwards?
Would you rather be able to write well or to draw well?
Would you rather make a new student feel welcome or hang out with your current friends?
Would you rather do most of the talking or most of the listening?
Would you rather be the best athlete or have the best grades?
Would you rather know what will happen in the future or be surprised by what happens?
Would you rather be able to remember exactly what you see or be able to repeat every word you hear?
Would you rather have an easy, but boring life or a challenging, but exciting life?
Would you rather have one best friend or a lot of casual friends?
Would you rather give a 2-minute speech in front of the class or write a 20-page report?
Would you rather read a book or watch a documentary?
Would you rather have ten sisters or ten brothers?
Would you rather live without music or live without movies?
Would you rather make a sandcastle or a snow fort?
Would you rather show up to school in a corvette or on an elephant?
Would you rather sleep without a blanket or without a pillow?
Would you rather always be hot or always be cold?
Would you rather snort every time you laugh or drool every time you eat?
Would you rather live in a house where the doors were always open or always closed?
Would you rather be able to bring any drawing to life or make something real disappear by erasing it?
Would you rather see colors no one else can see or smell things no one else can smell?
Would you rather always have to shout or always have to whisper?