Christmas Trivia Questions : Your general knowledge trivia round can be made up of questions about more generalist subjects such as news and current affairs, which can be followed by themed sections on specific topics, such as geography, music and movies.
Christmas Trivia Questions

What is fun to ride on in the song “Jingle Bells”?
Answer: A one-horse open sleigh.
Name Santa’s reindeer whose names begin with the letter “D.”
Answer: Dancer, Donner, and Dasher
Name the country where the Christmas drink of eggnog first originated.
Answer: England
What is the name of the famous fairytale that was inspired by gingerbread?
Answer: Hansel and Gretel
Which of Santa’s reindeer shares its name with the Valentine symbol?
Answer: Cupid
Name the color of the mistletoe berries that are used in Christmas decorations.
Answer: White
Name Santa’s favorite snack.
Answer: Cookies
Name the candy wrapped in beautiful red-and-green foils during Christmas.
Answer: Hershey’s
Jesus’s birth is mentioned in which Gospel of the bible?
Answer: The Gospels of Luke and Mathew
Name the fruit that is used to make Christingles.
Answer: Oranges
In which state is the U.S. National Christmas Tree displayed?
Answer: Washington DC
In “A Charlie Brown Christmas,” who explains the true meaning of Christmas to Charlie Brown?
Answer: Linus
In the classic movie “A Christmas Story,” what does Ralphie want for Christmas?
Answer: A Red Ryder BB gun
Which state in the U.S. is known for growing the most Christmas trees?
Answer: Oregon
In what 1946 film does an angel show a man what life would be like if he had never been born?
Answer: It’s a Wonderful Life
What U.S. city is known for its elaborate Dyker Heights Christmas lights display?
Answer: New York City
What country did the Christmas tree tradition come from?
Answer: Germany
Where is the world’s largest Christmas store, Bronner’s Christmas Wonderland, located?
Answer: Frankenmuth, Michigan
What was the first state in the United States to declare Christmas an official holiday?
Answer: Alabama in 1836
What Christmas item takes its name from the old French word stenciled, which means ‘spark’?
Answer: Tinsel

What is the name of the little girl who befriends the Grinch?
Answer: Cindy Lou Who
Will Ferrell played which character in the 2003 blockbuster “Elf”?
Answer: Buddy
Which US city banned Christmas in 1659?
Answer: Boston
The story of Jesus’ birth is found in which books of the Bible?
Answer: Luke and Mathew
Where do snowmen keep their money?
Answer: In a snowbank
What was gifted on the fifth day of Christmas in the song “12 Days of Christmas”?
Answer: Five golden rings
What fruit is used to make Christingles?
Answer: Orange
In which year was Hallmark founded?
Answer: 1910
In which country did the tradition of leaving out stockings for Santa Claus originate?
Answer: Netherlands
Which holiday goodie resembles a shepherd’s staff?
Answer: A candy cane
What alcohol is used to “spike” eggnog?
Answer: Rum.
How many reindeer were in the story Twas the Night Before Christmas?
Answer: Eight. Rudolph wasn’t in the story.
Stolen is the traditional fruit cake of which country?
Answer: Germany.
Per a recent holiday fad, what “spy” hides around the house, reporting back to Santa on who has been naughty and nice?
Answer: The Elf on the Shelf.
What does the Peanuts gang sing at the end of “A Charlie Brown Christmas?”
Answer: Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.
What song does Lucy ask Schroeder to play on his piano in “A Charlie Brown Christmas”?
Answer: Jingle Bells.
What country is the Poinsettia, with its red and green foliage, native to?
Answer: Mexico.
What is the number of children who celebrate Christmas around the world?
Answer: Around 700 million.
Why are Christmas candy canes red and white in color?
Answer: The white of the cane can represent the purity of Jesus Christ. The red stripes are for the blood he shed when he died on the cross.
In what modern-day country was Saint Nicholas born?
Answer: Turkey.

What falls out of the main character’s pocket in The Polar Express?
Answer: A bell
In Home Alone, where are the McCallister’s going on vacation when they leave Kevin behind?
Answer: Paris
What real life department store is the movie Miracle on 34th Street based on?
Answer: Macy’s
What is Scrooge’s first name in A Christmas Carol?
Answer: Ebenezer
In the opening scene of A Charlie Brown Christmas, the characters are seen enjoying what recreational winter activity?
Answer: Ice skating
What made Frosty come to life in the movie Frosty the Snowman?
Answer: His hat
What is the name of the last ghost that visits Scrooge in A Christmas Carol?
Answer: The Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come
What is the traditional meat served for Christmas dinner in England?
Answer: Roast Turkey
What action movie is often called a Christmas film?
Answer: Die Hard
Who tries to stop Christmas by stealing gifts and decorations from the entire town?
Answer: The Grinch
How many ghosts appear in A Christmas Carol?
Answer: Four ghosts.
What do people traditionally place at the top of Christmas trees?
Answer: An angel ornament.
When and where was eggnog invented?
Answer: 13th century Britain.
What country is Krampus from?
Answer: Austria.
How many characters did Tom Hanks play in The Polar Express (2004)?
Answer: Six roles.
What characters symbolizing Christmas or winter appear in the main cast of Rise of the Guardians (2012)?
Answer: Jack Frost and St. Nicholas.
What are the origins of the word and idea of “Christmukkah”?
Answer: The O.C.
What are the three traditional colors of Christmas?
Answer: Red, green, and gold.
What do many Japanese people eat for Christmas?
Answer: KFC fried chicken.
When and where were Christmas cards first sold?
Answer: London, 1843.

Which popular Christmas beverage is also called “milk punch”?
Answer: Eggnog
What does the holiday wreath represent?
Answer: The red berries represent the blood of Jesus and the wreath shape represents the crown of thorns.
In what year did the first U.S. Christmas postage stamp go on sale?
Answer: 1962
What beloved holiday classic was a box office bust when released in 1946?
Answer: It’s a Wonderful Life
What two alternate names did Rudolph creator Robert May consider for his star character?
Answer: Reginald and Rollo
The first known Christmas tree in the White House was placed in the Second Floor Oval Room by which U.S. president?
Answer: Benjamin Harrison
What 225-ton gift was given to the United States by the French on Christmas in 1886?
Answer: The Statue of Liberty
What are two popular names for Santa Claus?
Answer: Kris Kringle and Saint Nick
How many reindeer are in the poem Taws the Night Before Christmas?
Answer: Eight. There was no Rudolph.
Which Oscar-winning actor played six different roles in the movie The Polar Express?
Answer: Tom Hanks
How many Christmas tree seedlings are planted each year?
Answer: 60 to 70 million
How much should you cut off before putting a tree in a stand?
Answer: Half an inch, per the National Christmas Tree Association.
How many real Christmas trees are sold in the U.S. each year?
Answer: Approximately 25-30 million
What is the most popular Christmas cookie in the U.S.?
Answer: A YouGov poll found that chocolate chip cookies are the most popular Christmas cookie, followed by sugar, fudge and brownie cookies.
What’s the least popular Christmas cookie?
Answer: The same YouGov poll found that anise cookies are the least popular come Christmas, followed by chai sugar, spritz and Offense.
When was “A Christmas Carol” published?
Answer: “A Christmas Carol” was published by Charles Dickens on December 19, 1843.
How long did it take Charles Dickens to write “A Christmas Carol”?
Answer: Six weeks
How many ghosts visit Ebenezer Scrooge in “A Christmas Carol”?
Answer: Technically four. The first is Scrooge’s former business partner, Jacob Marley, who tells him about the three spirits that will follow.
After Jacob Marley, who are the spirits that visit Ebenezer Scrooge on Christmas Eve?
Answer: The spirits of Christmas Past, Present and Future
Which famous author and peer of Charles Dickens wasn’t a fan of “A Christmas Carol”?
Answer: Mark Twain famously critiqued Dickens’ work, saying “there is no heart. No feeling – is nothing but glittering frostwork.”

In the movie Elf, how does Buddy get to the North Pole?
Answer: He hides in Santa’s sack
What was Frosty the Snowman’s nose made out?
Answer: A button
Three of Santa’s reindeer’s names begin with the letter “D.” What are those names?
Answer: Dancer, Dasher, and Donner
What is the name of George Bailey’s guardian angel in It’s A Wonderful Life?
Answer: Clarence Odbody
In the 1964 movie Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, what was the name of Rudolph’s elf friend?
Answer: Hermey
What popular Christmas song was actually written for Thanksgiving?
Answer: “Jingle Bells”
What was the first company that used Santa Claus in advertising?
Answer: Coca-Cola
In “The Christmas Song,” who did the narrator see kissing Santa Claus under the mistletoe?
Answer: Mommy
Where did there arise such a clatter?
Answer: On the lawn
What are Christmas trees also called?
Answer: Yule-Tree
What unlikely duo recorded the song “Peace on Earth/Little Drummer Boy” in 1977?
Answer: Bing Crosby and David Bowie
What environmentalist U.S. president banned Christmas trees at the White House?
Answer: President Theodore Roosevelt
Who recorded the melancholy holiday hit “Hard Candy Christmas” in 1982?
Answer: Dolly Parton
In “The Nightmare Before Christmas,” what does Jack Skellington mistakenly call Old Saint Nick?
Answer: Sandy Claws
What’s the name of the hot spiced cider that’s a yuletide tradition for many?
Answer: Wassail
What brand of scooter was a must-have Christmas gift for children in 2000?
Answer: Razor
What kind of bread is often baked and eaten during the Christmas season in Europe?
Answer: Stollen
The song “Jingle Bells” was originally written to celebrate what holiday?
Answer: Thanksgiving
In one oddball tradition, an ornament shaped like what food item is hidden on the Christmas tree?
Answer: A pickle
What word for the Christmas season derives from an ancient Germanic pagan holiday?
Answer: Yuletide (or Yule)