Funny Birthday Quotes : On this special day, we wanted to bring an extra dose of laughter to your world. From the moment you walked in, we knew it would be a birthday filled with endless giggles and hilarious moments. Whether it was the playful pranks, the quirky decorations, or the unforgettable dance moves, your birthday party was an absolute blast! But the best part was seeing that infectious smile on your face, as your laughter echoed through the room, bringing joy to everyone around you.
Funny Birthday Quotes

Have you ever wondered what a stupid touchback you were when we were kids? Guess what, you haven’t changed. Happy Birthday!
Today, it is a lie that no one mentions in their will that you are old and ugly. Anyway, happy birthday dear, you are getting pretty beautiful every year!
Even if I smoke cracks, I will still see signs of aging on your face. How could no one notice it? Happy Birthday dear but you have to accept the truth!
If you are good at something, do not do it for free. If you are not good at anything, do not shut your mouth and ask for a gift. Happy Birthday!
The night is still young, but you, my friend, are no more. Still can feast though!
A guy sends text on your phone, wishes you a happy birthday, and the next day, do you think he is going to buy you some presents? No, he’s just asking for a party. Happy Birthday!
The sad truth of life is that some people grow old without being smart. You remind me of those unfortunate people. Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday to someone who is sweeter than sugar and more spicy than Mexican chili.
Friends like you make me feel young and beautiful. I want you to have two birthdays a year, so you will age twice as fast as me. Happy Birthday!
Age is a number, and restaurant bills! Happy Birthday, remember to buy me food!
On this day a star was born. I mean, you were too. But I am referring to a celebrity.
I know very well that you did not see much of your childhood. People will do it as they get older. Happy Birthday!
I need a best friend for the newcomer because I always wish you a happy birthday!
Hope you have a great birthday brother, and this next year is full of wonderful opportunities! Reach those stars, I trust you!
You know you’re old when… birthdays remind you something to be forgotten.
You know you’re old when… you lie about your age or are tempted to do so.
You know you’re old when… your patronage of condoms begins to drastically decline.
You know you’re old when… you start finding teenagers’ birthday parties annoying and repulsive.
Many happy returns! I believe you are officially able to be appraised on Antique Roadshow!
Happy Birthday to you. I hope you enjoy your day as much as I’ll enjoy eating free cake and ice cream.
Happy Birthday Funny

If you were a dog…you’d be 7 times older than you are now! Think about it. Happy Birthday, Old Yeller!
That’s your birthday cake?! I thought we were having a bonfire in the middle of your dining room. Happy Birthday… should I call and cancel the fire department then?
Your birthday only comes once a year but the wrinkles it brings will last a lifetime.
Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Facebook told me it was your birthday and that I should write on your wall.
Happy Birthday from one of the most spectacular, sensational, wisest people you know. You are one-in-a-million.
My best wishes! I hope your husband treats you to a night out on the town–so you can enjoy having the house to yourself!
You know you’re old when… your loved ones keep telling you how young you look.
You know you’re old when… hostage takers are not interested in taking you hostage.
You know you’re old when… your friends pay firefighters to be on standby for your birthday bash because they are afraid your birthday candles might cause a disaster.
You know you’re old when… you search everywhere for your reading glasses when it is on your head.
You know you’re old when… if you have ever attended a Beatles concert.
You know you’re old when… marketers start targeting you with anti-aging wrinkle creams.
You know you’re old when… you can date someone half your age without breaking any man-made laws.
You know you’re old when… your neighbors don’t even know it when you organize a party.
You know you’re old when… your secrets are safe with your friends because they can’t remember them or have died.
You know you’re old when… you finally know where your prostate is located.
You know you’re old when… you once used telegraphs to send messages to your loved ones in faraway places.
Never had a dull moment with you at home, thank you for all the fun and laughter you have brought into our lives! May your birthday be happy and may the year be even better! Happy Birthday!
Another year filled with adventure awaits you and I hope you enjoy it to the fullest! Happy Birthday Brother!
Sisters fill your soul with bright sunlight and your heart with laughter and joy. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Funny Wishes

Having a wonderful sister like you is the biggest thing in my life. Congratulations on your birthday! Keep the peace!
Hooray this is your birthday! The only thing we as kids have to share! Today is about you – have fun and enjoy your special day!
Sisters are like toppings in ice cream: you can get without them, but where’s the fun in that? Thank you for making my life sweeter with your love. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! The most beautiful, the smartest, the best sister here! I think it should run in the family.
You are truly one in a million – very kind, caring, sweet. Truth be told, I don’t know how we relate! I hope your birthday is as amazing as yours.
My wish is to be surrounded by the joy of love, wonderful sister every year that passes. Good luck and good health Happy birthday!
Being a fun, intelligent and caring sister like you is a real blessing. Have a happy and memorable day full of everything you love so much!
Like you eat boxed chocolates: sweet, generous and undeniable surprise.
My dear sister, I am so glad to have you, you are a friend I will love for the rest of my life! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday. Dear brothers, I hope you get everything you want this year. You deserve the best! Thank you for being such a great brother and good friend.
Happy birthday to my wonderful brother. To my brother who can always handle anything! Thank you for being there for me over the years.
Happy Birthday. To my superstar brother! Happy Birthday and a Happy New Year to you! I hope you continue to reach the stars and achieve your goals. You are truly an inspiration to our family.
Happy Birthday. To my funny brother! Hope all of your birthday wishes come true
True this year. You are a wonderful brother and I always wish you the best of luck.
Happy Birthday. Sending an exciting message to get your birthday off to a great start! Dear brothers, make sure you enjoy an exciting day and your birthday cake!
In good times and in bad, I will always be by your side. Happy Birthday friend!
Happy Birthday May you live a rich longevity full of happy miracle and health, you may have very little gold in your wealth.
Happy Birthday! You deserve all the cakes, love, warmth and joy today. Enjoy your day dude!
God bless you today and always. Happy Birthday to my friend!
Happy birthday to you my friend!
Funny Happy Birthday Wishes

The best part of birthday is the birthday cake. Wishing you the best. Where’s the cake?
Happy Birthday to someone who knows everything there is about me and STILL enjoys being my friend. I hope we have many more years of wild and crazy adventures together.
Did you know Chuck Norris was born on your birthday? Just kidding. That would be pretty kick butt though, wouldn’t it? Your birthday is still on a pretty good day.
Wishing you the best! I would say you don’t look another year older, but if I tell one lie now, it might make anything else I say later on unbelievable. You look pretty good for your age!
If you were a grape, I would stomp on you and make you into a delicious vintage wine. Happy Birthday, Friend!
Happy Birthday to a friend who I wouldn’t trade for all the Nutella in the world.
I couldn’t fit Channing Tatum in the box but I hope this gift will do. Happy Birthday to the future Mrs. Channing Tatum.
So I was watching Jurassic Park and I remembered it was your birthday. Happy Birthday, you old dinosaur!
I was watching Grumpier Old Men and I remembered it was your birthday. I hope we get put in the same room at our future nursing home. We would make some kick butt BINGO partners! We would clean up!
I have a particular set of skills. Skills that I have learned over a lengthy friendship with you. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you give me a piece of cake, I will leave. If you don’t, I will find your cake and I will blow out your candles.
Happy Birthday, my friend! I’m looking forward to getting together with you tonight to go over all of your Facebook birthday wishes from people that don’t give a rats behind about you the rest of the year.
I’ll tell you a secret. I do believe it’s somebody’s birthday and just in case that person is you, Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday to someone who remembers how to do the ‘Macarena’.
I had every step of the way you were there. I will always be there for you through the dense and thin. Happy Birthday!
Thanks for another year of being a wonderful friend. Happy Birthday friend!
I wish you love, hope and eternal happiness and joy. Thanks for being my best friend!
Forget Dreams That Close Your Eyes Real Dream Happy Birthday with a dreamy life when the eyes are wide open and health is ready to follow them
I am so proud to be your best friend. Happy birthday to you!
Thanks for always listening. I am so lucky that you are my best friend. Enjoy your birthday!
Birthday Wishes Funny

I am so thankful and happy that we are best friends. Enjoy your birthday, happy birthday to my best friend!
Happy birthday to my best friend, who laughs at my funny jokes and stands by me even when I do dumb and stupid things!
Best Friend: Someone you can be with, someone you have meaningless conversations with, someone who loves you even when you are different, someone who forgot to buy you a birthday present… That’s why I brought this up. Happy Birthday my best friend!
Happy Birthday to my best friend! We are a great team: I am smart, good looking and talented, you are great at being my friend!
You may be old, but at least I’m still beautiful! Happy Birthday Best Friend!
I am grateful for your true friendship. I hope the birthday is amazing because you are my best friend!
Someone who cares about you, accepts you for who you are, encourages you, stands by you even when others walk away, and many more.
If this is your best friend’s birthday, you need to find the right words to wish them a happy birthday.
Two things that are inevitable for any living person are birthdays and taxes.
Birthdays are like cheese. They stink more the older they get.
Aging is the worst side effect of birthdays.
I was at the antique store downtown and I ran across one of the toys from your childhood that you always talk about. Happy Birthday and Congratulations to someone who is old enough to have their childhood toys listed in the latest edition of the Kovel’s Antique Guide! Well done!
When you get to be your age you really should just throw caution to the wind and go “Why the hell not?!”. You are only young once! Go skydiving! Go skinny dipping in Tahiti! Go for a leisurely stroll up Mt. Everest.
Of all the people celebrating their birthday today, you are the least likely to be called “young” by a door-to-door salesman. Enjoy your day!
Just to let you know that getting older doesn’t necessarily mean you have to grow up. You can always be a ‘Toys R’ Us’ kid who wears scrunchy socks, jelly shoes, and drives a Big Wheel.
Happy Birthday to someone I am proud to say will ALWAYS be older than me. I love having you as my friend, even if it is only to make myself feel better about my age.
I know you’re not thirty, flirty, and thriving but hey you’re still driving! You’re not in too bad of shape.
There’s really only one true birthday. The rest are simply anniversaries of the day of a person’s birth.
Birthdays are like vacations. You don’t have one too often and they come and go too quickly.
Birthday Funny Wishes

The older you get, the more disoriented your hair gets. Once it leaves your head, it seems to get lost.
Getting older is just part of life… and the other parts are even worse.
The old pessimist focuses on his growing number. The old optimist focuses on his growing blessings.
I know you had lots of birthday wishes yesterday, but who is thinking of you today? Me, that’s who. Happy belated birthday!
I’m sorry my birthday wishes are belated—I honestly didn’t think you’d live this long. Happy birthday!
Sorry I wasn’t there with you to mourn the loss of your youth. Happy birthday!
It’s not your fault, buddy. No one can help the fact that you’re growing old, and that I totally forgot… Happy belated birthday!
You’re amazing, wise, super cool, fantastic, brilliant, intelligent – but don’t get too excited. I’m only saying all these things because I’m a couple of days late! Happy birthday!
It wasn’t my fault… Facebook forgot to remind me about your birthday!
It’s so tough to believe that you are getting older, that I decided to wish you happy birthday late this year.
Sorry I missed your birthday… hopefully you’ll have another one next year…
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110+ Best Simple Birthday Wishes Quotes, Wishes, Messages And Images