Harry Potter Trivia Questions : Your general knowledge trivia round can be made up of questions about more generalist subjects such as news and current affairs, which can be followed by themed sections on specific topics, such as geography, music and movies.
Harry Potter Trivia Questions

Who betrayed Lily and James’s location to Voldemort when Harry was a baby?
Answer: Wormtail.
What is revealed in Snape’s memories?
Answer: That Snape was working with Dumbledore out of his love for Lily.
What is Snape’s patronus?
Answer: A doe, just like Lily’s.
Where is the Resurrection Stone hidden?
Answer: Inside the golden snitch.
Why does Narcissa lie to Voldemort and say Harry is dead?
Answer: Because Harry tells her Draco is still alive.
Who kills Bellatrix?
Answer: Molly Weasley.
How does Neville destroy Nagini?
Answer: By cutting her head off with the Sword of Gryffindor.
In the book, what does Harry do with the Elder Wand?
Answer: Uses it to fix his broken wand with the phoenix-feather core.
What is the name of Harry and Ginny’s daughter, revealed in the 19-years-later epilogue?
Answer: Lily Luna Potter.
What are the last three words of the book?
Answer: “All was well.”
What British actor played Neville Longbottom in the Harry Potter movies, and in real life, married someone he met at a Wizarding World of Harry Potter event?
Answer: Matthew Lewis
You don’t have to be a history scholar to guess that Remus Lupin’s codename for Potter watch broadcasts was what first king of Rome?
Answer: Romulus
J.K. Rowling is rumored (and has since denied) to have written the first part of “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” on what uncommon writing surface?
Answer: A napkin
According to the Harry Potter books, how many total balls are used in a standard Quidditch match?
Answer: Four
The title of what 2012 novel by J.K. Rowling, her first after the Harry Potter series, refers to a suddenly empty seat in a small British town’s government that needs to be filled with an election?
Answer: The Casual Vacancy
It’s surely no coincidence that Harry Potter’s birthday is the same as J. K. Rowling’s, with both falling on the final day of which month?
Answer: July
Harry Potter fans visiting London can take photos at Platform 9-3/4 and visit the corresponding gift shop at what London railway station?
Answer: King’s Cross
In Harry Potter’s first year at Hogwarts, there are only three girls on the Gryffindor quidditch team, and they all play the same position. What position do they play?
Answer: Chaser
“Constant vigilance!” Since he’s lost so many body parts in the process of fighting Dark wizards, Alastar Moody is better known by what optic nickname?
Answer: Mad-Eye
Throughout the Harry Potter novels, Harry is mentioned by name 18,956 times. Which character is the second most mentioned, coming in at a total of 6,464?
Answer: Ron Weasley
“Harry Potter” film star Daniel Radcliffe was magical in a different way when he starred as a sentient corpse in what 2016 film?
Answer: Swiss Army Man

What animal can Harry speak to in The Chamber of Secrets?
Answer: Snake
Name the three different types of balls used in Quidditch.
Answer: Quaffle, Bludger, Snitch.
What is the Wizarding version of marbles called?
Answer: Gobstones
What do you recite to close the Marauder’s Map?
Answer: “Mischief Managed”
What is Harry Potter’s Patronus?
Answer: Stag
What is the secretive radio program set up by the Order of the Phoenix?
Answer: Potterwatch
What are the two pubs in Hogsmeade called?
Answer: The Three Broomsticks and The Hog’s Head
What are the names of James Potter’s friends?
Answer: Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew
What spell created by the Half-Blood Prince did Harry use on Draco Malfoy?
Answer: Sectumsempra
Which magical device did Albus Dumbledore use to save and review his memories?
Answer: Pensieve
What is the core of Harry Potter’s wand, known for its loyalty and strong connection to its owner?
Answer: Phoenix feather
Which magical creature serves as the guardian of the entrance to Professor Dumbledore’s office at Hogwarts?
Answer: A phoenix named Fawkes
In “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban,” what incantation is used to summon the Marauder’s Map?
Answer: I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.
What wood is known to produce wands that are skilled in magic involving protection and healing?
Answer: Willow wood
In the wizarding world, what is the purpose of a Time-Turner?
Answer: To travel back in time for a short period
What are the names of the Marauders, the creators of the Marauder’s Map?
Answer: Moony (Remus Lupin), Wormtail (Peter Pettigrew), Padfoot (Sirius Black), and Prongs (James Potter)
What magical creature feeds on happiness, leaving its victims with their worst memories?
Answer: Dementors
What is the name of the village near Hogwarts that students can visit?
Answer: Hogsmeade
How do you close the Marauder’s Map?
Answer: Mischief Managed.
What are the three Unforgivable Curses?
Answer: Avada Kedavra, Crucio, Imperio

How did Hermione Granger manage to attend all her classes?
Answer: Time travel
Which of the following is NOT one of Voldemort’s Horcruxes?
Answer: The Mirror of Oesed
How does Harry catch his first Snitch?
Answer: With his mouth
Who impersonates Mad-Eye Moody, Harry’s fourth year Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher?
Answer: Barty Crouch Jr
How many wands did Daniel Radcliffe break on set by using them as drum sticks?
Answer: More than 80
What is the name of Hagrid’s giant?
Answer: Grawp
The Boxing Willow was a gift from Albus Dumbledore to protect the school. True or False?
Answer: False
What item of clothing did Harry Potter give Dobby to be free?
Answer: A sock
What do the initials R.A.B on the Horcrux kept by Albus Dumbledore stand for?
Answer: Regulus Arcturus Black
What is “The Quibller”?
Answer: A newspaper
What is the name of the candy store near Hogwarts?
Answer: Honeydukes
What’s the name of the Slytherin house ghost?
Answer: The Bloody Baron.
When you’re trying to summon an object to you, what spell are you supposed to use?
Answer: Accio.
Why should you be afraid of the Legilimency spell?
Answer: Because the person using it against you is going to try to read your mind.
What spell makes objects look as though they come alive?
Answer: Piertotum Locomotor.
If you had to get rid of a Dementor, what would you do?
Answer: Simply yell “Expecto Patronum!” and think some happy thoughts.
What spell should you use if you want to find out the last spell a wand used?
Answer: Priori Incantatem.
If you need to make fire, what spell do you need to use?
Answer: Incendio.
What is the spell “Riddikulus” used for?
Answer: To battle a Bogart – the spell turns a Boggart into something amusing instead of frightening.
Which incantation is said to unlock doors?
Answer: Alohomora.
Which incantation conjures the Dark Mark?
Answer: Morsmordre.

Which centaur rescues Harry in the Forbidden Forest in Book 1?
Answer: Firenze.
Who is Harry Potter’s godfather?
Answer: Sirius Black.
What does Harry do when he grows up?
Answer: He works as an Auror for the Ministry of Magic.
What is the name of the magical hospital?
Answer: St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.
What spell does Harry discover written in the Half-Blood Prince’s potions textbook in Book 6, and who invented it?
Answer: Sectumsempra, Severus Snape.
In Book 2, who is the first victim to be petrified by the basilisk?
Answer: Filch’s cat, Mrs. Norris.
What is Luna Lovegood’s father’s name?
Answer: Xenophilius Lovegood.
In Book 7, what three Ministry of Magic employees do Ron, Harry, and Hermione impersonate?
Answer: Mafalda Hopkirk, Reginald Cattermole, and Albert Runcorn.
In Book 4, what magical creature does Harry answer a riddle from in the maze during the Triwizard Tournament?
Answer: A sphinx.
What is Filch the Hogwarts caretaker’s greatest secret?
Answer: He’s a Squib.
British actor John Cleese portrays what character in the Harry Potter movies “Sorcerer’s Stone” and “Chamber of Secrets”?
Answer: Nearly Headless Nick
For which wizarding family was Dobby, the house elf, in servitude to?
Answer: The Malfoys
What year was the final movie, “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2” released?
Answer: 2011
In the Harry Potter books, what are “squibs”?
Answer: Children born to wizard parents that have no magical abilities or powers of their own.
In “Chamber of Secrets” who is the author of the autobiography “Magical Me”?
Answer: Gilderoy Lockhart
What is the name of Harry Potter’s owl?
Answer: Hedwig
For the majority of the Harry Potter series, what kind of professor is Severus Snape?
Answer: Potions
What does Ron Weasley drink that that nearly kills him in “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince”?
Answer: Poisoned mead
What is the name of Hermione Granger’s cat?
Answer: Crookshanks
What poltergeist appears only in the Harry Potter books and not the films?
Answer: Peeves

Harry and Ginny have three children. What are their names?
Answer: James, Albus, and Lily.
What are the gemstones in the cursed necklace Draco Malfoy buys from Burgin and Burkes?
Answer: Opals
What spell did Snape invent that Harry later uses on Draco Malfoy?
Answer: Sectumsempra
What does Hermione smell in the amor tenia (or love) potion?
Answer: Grass, parchment, spearmint toothpaste and Ron Weasley’s hair
True or false: This is the longest movie in the franchise.
Answer: False! Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is the longest movie, at 161 minutes.
Lily Potter once gave Professor Slughorn a bowl with a lily that turned into a goldfish. What was the goldfish’s name?
Answer: Francis
How many Horcruxes have been destroyed at the end of this story?
Answer: Two: the diary and the ring
Who is the Half-Blood Prince?
Answer: Severus Snape
What do all the hands on the Weasleys’ magical clock point to when Harry gets to the Burrow?
Answer: “Mortal peril”
Who is in the first memory Professor Dumbledore shows Harry in the Pensive?
Answer: Bob Ogden, an employee of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement
What are the three D’s of a successful Apparition?
Answer: Destination, determination and deliberation
How did Ginny end up at the Slug Club meeting on the Hogwarts Express?
Answer: Slughorn caught Ginny performing a really good hex.
During his first visit with Tom Riddle, what does Dumbledore have Tom take out of his wardrobe at the orphanage?
Answer: A box of stuff he stole from other children
While learning to Apparate, what are the “three D’s” everyone must remember?
Answer: Destination, determination, deliberation
What’s Ron’s cover story as to why he’s not at Hogwarts in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?
Answer: He has a highly contagious case of spattergroit.
After breaking into the Ministry of Magic, what does Harry steal from Umbridge’s office in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?
Answer: Moody’s magical eye
What quote is written on James and Lily’s grave in Godric’s Hollow?
Answer: The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.”
How does Peter Pettigrew die?
Answer: His silver hand strangles him after he shows Harry mercy.
What caused Ariana Dumbledore to stop using magic?
Answer: She was attacked by Muggle boys when she was 6 years old.
How do you get into Ravenclaw’s common room?
Answer: You have to answer a question or riddle.
What pen name did J.K. Rowling use to write the Cormoran Strike series?
Answer: Robert Galbraith
What is the name of the Harry Potter play that J.K. Rowling co-authored?
Answer: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
How many rejections did J.K. Rowling receive before “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” was accepted?
Answer: Twelve
What is the name of J.K. Rowling’s website for Harry Potter fans?
Answer: Pottermore (now known as Wizarding World)
What pen name did J.K. Rowling use to write Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them?
Answer: Newt Scamander
In what city did J.K. Rowling finish writing the Harry Potter series?
Answer: Edinburgh, Scotland
What honorary degree did J.K. Rowling receive from Harvard University?
Answer: A Doctor of Letters
What is J.K. Rowling’s birth date?
Answer: July 31, 1965
What social cause has J.K. Rowling been vocal about in her philanthropy?
Answer: Multiple sclerosis research and children’s welfare
Where are the Slytherin common rooms located?
Answer: The Dungeon.