Miss u Quotes : I miss you when something really good happens, because you’re the one I want to share it with. I miss you when something is troubling me, because you’re the only one who understands me so well. I miss you when I laugh and cry, because I know that you’re the one who makes my laughter grow and my tears disappear. I miss you all the time, but I miss you the most when I lie awake at night and think of all the wonderful times we spent with each other for those were some of the best memorable times of my life.
Miss u Quotes

You not being the first thing I see every morning after I wake up hurts so much. I miss you.
I miss my babe so much that my heart could burst into hundred pieces anytime now. Come back to me please.
Life seems pretty boring and incomplete without your sweet presence. Rescue me from this eternal boredom and be my adventure partner. Missing you a lot.
I suffocate without you when you are not here with me. I miss you with all my heart. I wish you were here with me.
You not being here by my side makes me feel like a big part of me is missing. I miss you so much.
I do not know what the hell looks like, but when you are not with me, I can guess about it. Missing you, my love.
We may live oceans apart but our hearts are always attached. It’s crazy how much I miss you.
You took an oath to be my side till death does us apart. Just a friendly reminder. Missing you, dear husband.
I feel empty when you are not here by my side. Life is so mundane without you. I wish you were here, I miss you.
I hope you come back soon. Not being able to see you hurts me like crazy. I miss you so much.
My heart aches whenever I realize you are not beside me. Come back soon, love!
A day seems like a decade without you; home seems like purgatory. Dear wifey, take my undying love and please come back. Missing you.
Being away from you restores coldness in my heart, and I need to get rid of it soon. Would you please take away all the icky feelings with your touch? Miss you.
I can’t imagine how many nights I’ve stayed up late in my chilly bed since your warmth has vanished from my life. I miss you!
You are on my mind 24/7. I can’t stop thinking about you. My life has become empty without you. I miss you!
Whenever I’m feeling down, all I need to do is to think of you and your charming look, and my mood immediately brightens up, and I feel better. I miss seeing your face.
My sweet love, I miss you so much! Every day feels like too long without your presence. You make my heart flutter with the thought of you, and I can’t help but smile when I think of all we have shared together.
Your touch, your laughter, your smile – they all make me feel happy. I can’t wait to be with you again and hold you in my arms love.

Dying in your love is better than the life without you. I miss you so much my dear; I love you. Come back to me!
Your beautiful smile and warm hugs are what I long for most. You fill me with joy, and your presence is the light of my life. I can’t wait to be reunited in each other’s arms; until then, know that I love you and miss you more than anything. All my love, loveys.
My sweetheart, I miss you so much. Every day without you is like an eternity, and I want to be with you again. You fill my heart with joy and happiness, and when we’re apart, I feel like a part of me is missing. Nothing can compare to our love – it’s so special and unique.
I’m here thinking about you and all the great moments we shared. You make me feel loved – like no other feeling in this world. I miss you so much and can’t wait to hold you in my arms again!
There is not a single day in which you are not on my mind. I have high hopes that we will be able to spend some time together very soon. I think about you all the time, my dear Queen! Miss You, love.
I suddenly heard someone talking to me. I looked and saw no one. Then I realized it was my heart that was saying, “I miss you.”
Honey, I crave for your touch, I yearn for your love, I miss your smile and I cannot possibly live one moment without you! I miss you so much!
When I miss you so much, I look at the sky. I know I won’t see you there, but I get comfort thinking that we are both under one sky. Why are you so far away from me?
I saw you on a sunny day; I saw you on a rainy day; I saw you under a sky full of stars. These days come and go and remind me of you. I miss you, dear.
When I’m awake, I think about you. When I’m asleep, I dream about you. You are embedded in every essence of my life! How can I not miss you?
I feel sad and lost whenever I think about you because you’re not here to make me happy! Can you come to me so I can stop missing you?
When I say that, I miss you. You should consider it an understatement. You have no idea how am I feeling right now and how much I am missing you.
Sometimes I wish you were the moon and I am the stars so that missing you will no longer be an issue. But right now, I am totally missing you.
I hope there is a medicine for missing someone because I need it now. I think my only medicine is you. I need you now honey.
You know, there is a huge hole in my heart, and it can only be filled by the love you give me every day. So consider it an emergency and come over to me. I am in need of your love. I miss you so much.
I’m like a puzzle with missing pieces when you’re not here. Complete me and fill the emptiness Missing you, baby.
I am missing that sweet hug you give me every time you see me. I want to be with you right now. I miss you so much.
My pillow can no longer compensate for your shoulder to rest my head on and your arms that wrap around me tightly. I miss you.
I have gone to the doctor for this “missing you” disease I have. He prescribed me two hugs and one kiss three times daily from you. Now you have to provide me my medicine. I miss you!
I never thought I could have a feeling more than pain, I never thought I could have this hitching more than hurts, Thinking about you not being here, I am losing myself. Losing myself because I am missing you.

I miss you once I wake up and I miss you once I fall asleep. I wish that we could always be together.
To me, the brightest and most colorful garden looks dull and dreary without you in it.
There is nothing more painful than being ignored by you. Please come to me and give me your tight hug. I miss you so much.
I feel exposed to worldly problems, difficulties, and misfortunes when you are not around. I miss you, baby. I miss you so much.
A home without you is not a home. I recall our sweet memories whenever I miss you. No one can replace you, my love. Your absence makes my life dull, unhappy, and sad. I miss you.
When I wake up in the morning and can’t see your face, my heart agonizes. I feel like running and hugging you in those moments, but I cannot because you are not here. I miss you so much, dear.
I can’t help that I miss you and the person that I was when I was with you.
I miss you so much that I want to throw a rock at you to show you how much it hurts.
I will stop missing you when we are together again.
I would prefer to be kissing you than missing you.
There is not a single moment in my day that I do not miss you.
I miss you so much that I can’t help but feel every song I hear is about you.
You don’t have to be a thousand miles from me for me to miss you.
Missing you is my heart’s way of reminding me that I love you.
I know that I love you because I miss you even when you’re just in the next room.
I’m not sure what is worse: missing you, or pretending that I don’t.
A day spent away from you is a day that is not worth living.
You may not always be here at my side, but you are always right here in my heart. I miss you.
You are always the first thought in my head when I wake up in the morning. That is how much I miss you.
Missing you is like walking around without my heart. I feel this way because my heart is still with you.

I miss everything about you. Even the things that used to annoy me when you were still here.
Missing you is not an easy thing to do.
When I miss you, all I want to do is hold you in my arms and kiss you.
Missing you and not being able to have you here with me is the worst feeling.
I feel like an idiot for missing you.
I try not to miss you. but in the end, I still do.
Missing someone is the worst feeling in the world.
I miss the time when I actually meant something to you.
I’m tired of missing you. I just want you here by my side.
If you start to miss me, remember, I didn’t walk away. you let me go.
Sometimes when one person is missing, the whole world seems depopulated.
I miss you. no, let me correct that, I miss the old you. I miss the old you that cared about me.
I am waiting and hoping….and wishing for the time when we can be together again. missing you a lot.
Every now and then I see something that reminds me of you and then there i am, missing you again.
I wish you the wisdom to realize that it’s okay to miss something, but not want it back.
You have no idea how hard it is to force myself to stop thinking about you. i miss you
I miss you so very much dad. I think about you every single day. I want you to know I remember everything you taught me and what an amazing dad you were.
If I could have one wish, it would be to spend just one more hour with you. If I could go back in time and choose the man who would be my dad, I would choose you. I love you so much.
I could not stop thinking about you today dad. There are so many things I wish I could ask you, but I guess deep down inside I thought you would always be there.
I heard a song on the radio that made me think of you. The lyrics touched my heart. I miss your voice dad. I miss everything about you.

I miss beings In your arms. I miss our endless conversations. and most Importantly I missed you.
You are still the voice in my head and heart telling me everything is going to be all right. Sometimes I just know what you would have said even though you are no longer here. I miss you so much, dad.
I talk to you almost every day even though I know you are gone. There are so many things I wish I would have told you before you passed. I miss everything about you dad.
I keep thinking about when you taught me how to ride a two-wheeler. Back then, I did not realize how important that memory would become when you were gone. I miss you with my whole heart every day.
You were the best dad anyone could ever ask for. Once you were gone, so many wonderful memories came back to me. Sometimes I look to the skies and really believe you are up there looking down on me. I hope you know you are missed every day.
You’re so easy to be with and so hard to be with out. always missing you.
Despite the fact that we couldn’t make It work, I still missed you thanks to those sweet memories we made together.
Maybe I am out of my mind. but I miss you and can’t stop thinking’s about you despite all that you died to me.
I forgave you for all the hurtful things you said and died to me because my heart can’t stop missing you.
Our relationship did not work out and we no longer talk to each other anymore. but I can’t deny that my heart still misses you from time to time.
I still miss all the fun and crazy adventures that our adventures together saw us share. those are memories that can never go away.
I miss you like the desert misses rain.
I miss you. I might not always show It, might not always tell people, but on the Insider, I mis you like crazy.
If I could plant a flower for every time I miss you, I could walk through my garden forever.
The pain of beings with out you Is too much to bear sometimes.
I can’t pretend that I don’t miss you because I see you In everything that I do.
I’m not sure what Is worse: missing you or pretending that I don’t.
I will not lie. the truth is that I really miss you.
Nothing makes a room emptier than wishing that you were in it.
There is an empty place in my heart where you used to be.
I can’t believe that I still miss you after everything that we went through.
Missing you is a habit, missing you is an addiction, missing you is a compulsion, and missing you is desperation.
Nights have become sleepless, and days have become sleepy since you have gone away.
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