Questions to Ask a Girl : At one point, we got onto the subject of relationships, men and women. Between swigs of her martini, she told me she was going to share the most important lesson she ever learned about men, women and dating: Men are idiots.
Questions to Ask a Girl

What’s the best compliment you’ve ever gotten?
Have you ever sought (and gotten) petty revenge on someone?
Do you like sad movies?
How did people treat you in high school?
Who is your favorite artist?
What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?
Who is the one person, past or present, you wish you could meet?
Where is your favorite place in the world?
Do you consider yourself competitive?
Do you prefer the mountains or the sea?
What’s your zodiac sign?
Would you rather spend a day in the mountains or by the beach?
What have you dreamed about recently?
Do you play any games on your phone?
Do you enjoy your job?
What was your favorite subject in school?
What three words describe you best?
What was the hardest part of your day?
What’s the most interesting picture you have on your phone?\
Do you sleep in or wake up early?
Questions to Ask your Girlfriend

What kinds of social situations make you anxious?
What do you love about your life?
How do you like to be cheered up or comforted?
Do you think we spend enough time together?
What is the toughest part of your life right now?
Do you like hanging out with my friends?
How important is family to you?
Do I hold you back from anything?
Do you believe in luck?
Is being smart or being kind more important to you?
Have you ever been in love?
Do you still talk to any of your exes?
How do you handle jealousy?
How can I be better to you?
What areas of your life would you like to grow in, and how can I help support that growth?
What are your relationship deal-breakers?
What is something you’ve always wanted to experience with a partner?
What’s something you think I could learn from you?
What does healthy love feel like for you?
How have your parents affected the way you show up in relationships?
Deep Questions to Ask

What are some personal goals you have right now?
If you could be a famous athlete, model, comedian, or serious actor, which option would you choose?
If you had to settle down in one place for the rest of your life, where would it be?
If there was only one insult word you could use against people for the rest of your life, which word would you pick?
If you could talk to any type of animal in the world, what would you choose?
If you could immediately have your dream body but it would give your best friend twenty extra pounds, would you do it?
How would you spend your free time if you could never watch tv, read a book, or spend any of your time on any smart device ever again?
If you had to marry a celebrity who was the opposite of the gender you’re normally attracted to, who would you pick?
Taking a shower, brushing your teeth, washing your clothes. You can only pick 2 out of the 3 for the rest of your life. Go.
Would you rather have an infinite number of good friends, or two incredible, loyal, absolute best friends?
If you could only communicate with one other person for the rest of your life – other than your significant other – who would you choose?
Why did your last serious relationship end?
What’s an important lesson you learned from your last relationship?
What teacher or boss has had the largest impact on you?
What’s the most interesting article you’ve read recently?
What family friend has left the biggest mark on your life?
Do you live close or far away from your loved ones?
How did the pandemic change you?
Do you have any regrets about your high school or college experience?
Are there any friends with whom you’ve lost touch and would love to reconnect?
Questions to Ask your Crush

What is your philosophy on love and relationships?
What brings you the most joy in life?
What is the most frightening thing you’ve ever done?
What is your relationship with your family like?
What is a favorite childhood memory?
What do you do when you’re sad or upset?
What’s something you’re unwilling to compromise on?
How do you handle disagreements or conflicts in relationships?
What’s something you’re proud of right now?
What’s something you consider a guilty pleasure?
If you cooked me your favorite meal, what would be on the menu?
Do you like when I cook for you?
What’s your favorite movie quote?
Would you ever take dance lessons with me?
What kind of books do you like to read on vacation?
If you started a podcast, what would the subject be?
Do you wear slippers around the house?
Do you prefer headphones with or without cords?
Have you ever snooped on someone’s phone in public?
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Questions to Ask to Get to Know Someone

What pictures or paintings have had a big impact on you?
What fictional character are you most similar to?
What’s one thing you’d love to learn more about?
What is something you’ve never done that you’ve always wanted to do?
Why haven’t you done it?
What’s your favorite movie?
What is one sport that you would try?
Do you like any outdoor activities?
What’s your favorite sport to watch?
Do you actually watch the Super Bowl or are you just in it for the commercials?
What is your favorite childhood board game?
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever bought?
What celebrity would you switch lives with?
What kind of animal do you most identify with?
What is your favorite dish to cook?
What’s your favorite childhood memory?
Where do you feel most like yourself?
What is your most cherished possession?
What characteristics do you feel you have to have for a strong relationship?
What’s the last book you read and really loved?
How close are you with your family?