Would You Rather Questions for Kids : As home educators, we are constantly seeking for new ways to make learning more enjoyable and interesting. That’s where writing prompts such as “would you rather” come in! Here are a few of the many advantages of incorporating these prompts into your child’s education:
Would You Rather Questions for Kids

Would you rather use your hands as your feet or your feet as your hands?
Would you rather be super strong or be able to fly?
Would you rather have a fairy godmother or a genie lamp?
Would you rather be invisible or be able to see through anything?
Would you rather be a superhero or be able to do magic?
Would you rather be able to draw really well or be able to dance really well?
Would you rather be able to breath under water or in outer space?
Would you rather possess the ability to smell sounds or be able to hear smells?
Would you rather have a magic wand or a super hero cape?
Would you rather be able to fly on a broomstick or see the future?
Would you rather always have B.O. and not know it or always smell B.O. on everyone else?
Would you rather find a rat in your kitchen or a furry spider in your bed?
Would you rather sweat buckets or have to drink a glass of water every five minutes?
Would you rather drink from the toilet or have to pee in a litter box?
Would you rather have six fingers and no thumbs on each hand or have seven toes on each foot?
Would you rather sleep in a doghouse or let a pack of smelly dogs sleep in your bed?
Would you rather clean up someone else’s vomit or have to clean up a bloody nose?
Would you rather scrub the toilet with your toothbrush or mop the floor with your tongue?
Would you rather have to give up brushing your hair for a year or give up brushing your teeth?
Would you rather have to take a bath in the dishwasher or wash dishes in your bathwater?

Would you rather live in a glass home or a home without any windows?
Would you rather erase your memory or never take photos again?
Would you rather live without social media or the phone?
Would you rather sleep upstairs or downstairs?
Would you rather take your time or rush around?
Would you rather roll around in sand or dirt?
Would you rather stand or sit all day?
Would you rather have all the toys in the world or share them with children who have none?
Would you rather have one $100 toy or 100 $1 toys?
Would you rather be able to see through walls or fly?
Would you rather learn from home or learn from school?
Would you rather be fluent in Spanish or fluent in French?
Would you rather having coding skills or artistic skills?
Would you rather have no homework or be paid to do homework?
Would you rather go to a single-sex school or a mixed-sex school?
Would you rather play the piano or the guitar?
Would you rather have no homework ever or no exams ever?
Would you rather be the smartest or the most popular in your class?
Would you rather read a book or listen to a book?
Would you rather be home-schooled or sent to a boarding-school?
Would You Rather Questions Kids

Would you rather always have to get up early or always have to go to bed late?
Would you rather write a 10-page paper or give a 10-minute presentation?
Would you rather only be able to wear shoes that are slightly too big or only be able to wear shoes that are slightly too small?
Would you rather give up watching movies or give up watching TV shows?
Would you rather always get free food when you go out to eat or always get free plane tickets when you want to travel?
Would you rather have a car that never runs out of gas or a phone that never runs out of battery?
Would you rather know the future or know all of history off the top of your head?
Would you rather be an amazing photographer but every picture taken of you is bad or be a terrible photographer but every picture taken of you is good?
Would you rather be a celebrity constantly swarmed by paparazzi or be in the Witness Protection Program?
Would you rather your food always be a little too cold or a little too hot?
Would you rather eat soup with your hands or spaghetti with a toothpick?
Would you rather use really big silverware to eat your meals or really tiny silverware?
Would you rather drink from your ears or eat from your belly button?
Would you rather bite your tongue every time you eat, or burn the roof of your mouth every time?
Would you rather eat a whole raw onion or a whole lemon?
Would you rather never eat a home-cooked meal again, or never eat in a restaurant again?
Would you rather have pancakes for dinner, or burgers for breakfast?
Would you rather eat your most hated food for a month straight or your very favorite food for the rest of your life?
Would you rather stand in a rain of marshmallows or jelly beans?
Would you rather have potato chip grease and crumbs all over your hands or all over your feet?

Would you rather live somewhere that was always very cold or very hot?
Would you rather make a snowman or build a sandcastle?
Would you rather eat something spicy or bitter?
Would you rather eat sweets or chips all day?
Would you rather play inside all day or play outside all day?
Would you rather get stitches or have a cavity filled?
Would you rather jump into a pool of slime or a pool of mud?
Would you rather get up very early or stay up very late?
Would you rather be the most intelligent kid in school or the most popular kid in school and make poor grades?
Would you rather get good grades or be good at sports?
Would you rather go water skiing or snow skiing?
Would you rather eat donuts or candy?
Would you rather fly a kite or ride on a scooter?
Would you rather have an extra finger or an extra toe?
Would you rather only be able to crawl on all fours or only be able to walk backwards?
Would you rather be able to create a new holiday or create a new language?
Would you rather be the funniest person alive or the smartest person alive?
Would you rather be a famous singer or a famous actor?
Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible?
Would you rather never have to shower again or never have to clip your toenails?
Would you rather have the chance to design a new toy or direct a movie?
Would you rather be ten years older or four years younger?

Would you rather be an amazing photographer or an amazing writer?
Would you rather be able to talk to land animals or aquatic animals?
Would you rather ride a roller coaster or see a movie?
Would you rather have super strong arms or super strong legs?
Would you rather move to a different city or move to a different country?
Would you rather be wildly popular on the social media platform of your choice or have an extremely popular podcast?
Would you rather eat smores or cupcakes?
Would you rather ride in a hang glider or dive with a parachute?
Would you rather never have to sleep or never have to eat?
Would you rather sneeze uncontrollably once every day or get hiccups for 10 minutes every day?
Would you rather have to wake up an hour earlier every day or go to bed an hour earlier every night?
Would you rather do 50 push-ups or run a mile without stopping?
Would you rather be the class monitor and remind your classmates about rules or sit in the back of the class and never talk to anyone for the entire school year?
Would you rather do all your chores in one day or spread them out over a week?
Would you rather have to speak in front of your entire school or sing a song in front of your class?
Would you rather have a school day that’s twice as long but only have school four days each week or go to school for six hours six days a week?
Would you rather learn a new instrument or learn a new language?
Would you rather have a remote control that can pause time or fast-forward through boring moments?
Would you rather have the power to make objects appear or disappear?
Would you rather never taste again or never touch again?