Rain Quotes : A rainy day is a special day for everyone however rains hold a special significance particularly for the farmers. The growth of their crops depends largely on the rains. The right amount of rain is what they yearn for each year.
Rain Quotes
It’s difficult to describe, how a few drops of rain can soothe your soul, calm your nerves.
Now, I had to decide, whether to rush back home, or spread my arms, and enjoy the heavenly pleasure.
I ‘had’ to decide for the later option— I took off my shoes, and felt the wet grass, under my feet. I spread my arms, while looking upwards, closed my eyes, and started feeling the magic.
I stood there for sometime, healed my senses, and drenched my soul, with the downpour of love, from above.
Coming back home, it was time for the typical Indian, hot ginger tea, with some fresh onion pakoras.
I don’t consider myself a pessimist. I think of a pessimist as someone who is waiting for it to rain. And I feel soaked to the skin.
It’s a relief to hear the rain. It’s the sound of billions of drops, all equal, all equally committed to falling, like a sudden outbreak of democracy. Water, when it hits the ground, instantly becomes a puddle or rivulet or flood.
There are three things you can do in a baseball game. You can win, or you can lose, or it can rain.
Criticism, like rain, should be gentle enough to nourish a man’s growth without destroying his roots.
Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.
The rain begins with a single drop.
Predicting rain doesn’t count. Building arks does.
I like to walk in the rain because it makes me laugh when I walk under it. And not many things in this life can make you laugh just to be touched by it.
Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby.
Rainy days should be spent at home with a cup of tea and a good book.
A single gentle rain makes the grass many shades greener.
When it rains, it pours both in love and life, often bringing the best memories and the greatest lessons.
Love, just like the rain, has its own rhythm sometimes quiet and nurturing, sometimes robust and renewing.
Love is like the rain that soothes the soul, that brings nourishment and enlightenment from above.
Just as rain brings life, love breathes life into our existence, adding sparkle to every raindrop and warming every heart.
Rain and love have the power to cleanse, heal and renew. Both bring about growth and change in unpredictable, beautiful ways.
Love is like the rain. It’s beautiful when it’s shared, and it’s the nourishment needed for every heart.
Let your love be like the welcoming rain – nourishing, refreshing and always willing to bring joys new and old to life.
Like the rhythm of the rain, each pulse of love is a beat that reminds us we are alive and filled with potential.
Like a sudden rain shower, love has the power to drench us in joy, cleanse our hearts, and produce the rainbow of hope.
Nothing feels as comforting like the rain on one’s roof, and nothing feels as warming like the love in one’s hearts.
Love and rain both hydrate the dry parts of us. They bring our life back to life, reshaping our world every time they touch the earth.
Rain Quotes in English
I’m never gonna stop the rain by complaining, because I’m free, nothing’s worrying me.
It didn’t rain today, so I didn’t have to work. Why don’t you have to sit around and wait until it rains?
The rain is sharp today, as you shock me sane.
Who needs the sun, when the rain is so full of life?
If only the weather would improve, there’d be hope of some work, but every day brings rain.
The advantage of the rain is that, if you have a quick bike, there’s no advantage.
It’s great that it’s raining. But people should not assume that a little bit of rain is going to solve our problem.
After the rain, the sun will reappear. There is life. After the pain, the joy will still be here.
The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you got to put up with the rain.
Everybody wants happiness, and nobody wants pain, but you can’t have a rainbow without a little rain.
Life’s not about being dry and safe, but about dancing madly in the pouring rain.
Every storm in your life is followed by a rainbow.
A good storm clears the air, just as a good dance clears the soul.
Rain is not only drops of water. It’s the love of the sky for the earth. They never meet each other, but sends love this way.
If you want to dance in the rain, you must learn to brave the storm.
Without storms, we wouldn’t have rainbows. Without a little rain in our lives, there would be no dancing.
No rain, no flowers. No challenges, no growth.
Rainstorms remind us that even the sky cries sometimes, but then it dances with colors.
When storm clouds gather, remember that clouds make way for the sunny weather and sunshine dances.
Rain showers are just confetti from the sky for the earth’s dance party.
Rain Quotes for Instagram
When I was young I used to watch two drops of rain roll down the window and pretend it was a race.
Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby.
In March the soft rains continued, and each storm waited courteously until its predecessor sunk beneath the ground.
True, the sun and the wind inspire. But rain has an edge. Who, after all, dreams of dancing in dust? Or kissing in the bright sun? Cynthia Barnett
I don’t see the desert as barren at all; I see it as full and ripe. It doesn’t need to be flattered with rain. It certainly needs rain, but it does with what it has, and creates amazing beauty.
The three great elemental sounds in nature are the sound of rain, the sound of wind in a primeval wood, and the sound of outer ocean on a beach.
If I were rain, That joins sky and earth that otherwise never touch, Could I join two hearts as well?
If the rain spoils our picnic but saves a farmer’s crop, who are we to say it shouldn’t rain? Tom Barrett
Many a man curses the rain that falls upon his head, and knows not that it brings abundance to drive away the hunger.
Give thanks for the rain in your life which waters the flowers of your soul.
It didn’t rain for you, maybe, but it always rains for me. The sky shatters and rains shards of glass.
Save a boyfriend for a rainy day – and another, in case it doesn’t rain.
Rainy day. Just do not get wet. Just be set, let your worries wash away with every drop that falls.
Everybody wants happiness nobody wants pain but you can’t have a rainbow without a little rain.
Being soaked alone is cold. Being soaked with your best friend is an adventure.
I like shy and introverted characters in a rain party. They exude this intrinsic depth of sincerity. It’s inspiring.
Life’s not about waiting for the storm to pass… It’s about learning to dance in the rain.
Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.
Life is lemonade, and sometimes you just got to count your chickens for a rainy day.
Do not, on a rainy day, ask your child what he feels like doing, because I assure you that what he feels like doing, you won’t feel like watching.
Rain Quotes Short
There’s something magical about the sound of rain tapping against the windowpane.
Rain showers my spirit and waters my soul.
Rainy days should be spent at home with a cup of tea and a good book.
I love the smell of rain, and I love the sound of the ocean waves.
The rain began again. It fell heavily, easily, with no meaning or intention but the fulfilment of its own nature, which was to fall and fall.
The best thing one can do when it’s raining is to let it rain.
Rainy days are perfect for cuddling up with a good book and a warm cup of tea.
Raindrops are the perfect lullaby to accompany dreams of faraway places.
Rainy days are invitations to cozy up and indulge in the simple pleasures of life.
In the midst of the rain, find beauty in the way it nourishes the earth and soothes the soul.
Celebrate the rain; it only means that the sun shall shine bigger and brighter than ever.
Rain! whose soft architectural hands have power to cut stones, and chisel to shapes of grandeur the very mountains.
Do not be angry with the rain; it simply does not know how to fall upwards.
Rain is also very difficult to film, particularly in Ireland because it’s quite fine, so fine that the Irish don’t even acknowledge that it exists.
Only something in me understands the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses. Nobody, not even the rain has such small hands.
If the rain spoils our picnic, but saves a farmer’s crop, who are we to say it shouldn’t rain?
Vexed sailors cursed the rain, for which poor shepherds prayed in vain.
Potential is like a summer crop. If it don’t rain, it don’t grow.
Rain harvesting should be made mandatory and should be made more systematic to ensure that every drop of rain is preserved.
Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather.
Happy Rain Quotes
It was night, and the rain fell; and falling, it was rain, but, having fallen, it was blood.
The common people pray for rain, healthy children and a summer that never ends. It is no matter to them if the high lords play their game of thrones, so long as they are left in peace.
We inter-breath with the rain forests, we drink from the oceans. They are part of our own body.
At night I dream that you and I are two plants that grew together, roots entwined, and that you know the earth and the rain like my mouth, since we are made of earth and rain.
And you’ll always love me won’t you? Yes And the rain won’t make any difference? No.
No individual rain drop ever considers itself responsible for the flood.
When we look deeply into the heart of a flower, we see clouds, sunshine, minerals, time, the earth, and everything else in the cosmos in it. Without clouds there could be no rain, and without rain there would be no flower.
And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow.
Never duck responsibility, its like running from the rain only to fall into the river.
I am suddenly left alone again on the sunny path, with a memory of the rain.
If someone looks at you sideways for dancing in the rain, dance harder.
If you need to feel alive, dance in the rain.
Step into the rain and spin until you’re dizzy. Dizzy with joy, dizzy with hope, and dizzy with energy.
Let the beat that moves you be the raindrops.
We’re all a little romantic when the sky opens up. Take a moment to dance.
Nothing says it is time to start anew like the rain.
Rain doesn’t fall only on you. It singles no one out. We are all existing under the same cloud and will all emerge on the other side.
You can focus on the storm or focus on the rainbow. The choice is always yours.
Rain reminds us that there is hope and beauty in everything if we are wise enough to look for it.
It all starts with a few raindrops. Everything needs the rain to begin.