Shab E Meraj Quotes : There are different accounts of what occurred during the Miʿraj, but most narratives have the same elements: Muhammad ascends into heaven with the angel Gabriel and meets a different prophet at each of the seven levels of heaven; first Adam, then John the Baptist and Jesus, then Joseph, then Idris, then Aaron, then Moses, and lastly Abraham.
Shab E Meraj Quotes
Shab-e-Miraj is the night of forgiveness. Ask for Allah’s Mercy on this Blessed Night.
Nothing in this world can change your Luck, except Dua to Allah.
Today I have perfected your religion for you, completed My blessing upon you, and chosen as your religion Islam [total devotion to God].
If you want Allah than do such deed that enforces someone to make Dua for you.
Shab-e-Miraj is a night of blessing when the Angels Celebrate Eid in the Jannat. Be the part of this night and say as many prayers as you can.
The one who does Ibadat and Amal in the night of Miraj. He will be awarded by virtues equivalent to 100 Years.
Whoever does 12 Rakat prayers in this night of Miraj & recites the Surah Fatihah in every Rakat. After every 2 Rakat recite Tashud and finish the Salat with Salam.
After that recite: “Astagfirullah” 100 times & than recite any Durood Sharif 100 times.
Now make Dua after performing all the process. Your all DUA will be accepted except that DUA which is made of sins.
Remember, on this night, to pray for the forgiveness and mercy of Allah, for He is the All-Forgiving and Most Merciful.
Shab E Meraj Wishes
Let us make our prayers on this night sincere and heartfelt, as we seek Allah’s guidance, forgiveness, and blessings.
SubHan Allaahi Wal Hamdulillahi Wa Laa ilaah illal Laaho Wallah Hoo Akbar
Take advantage of the blessed night of Al-Isra and Al-Miraj to detach ourselves from worldly distractions and focus on our spiritual journey.
Reflect on the journey of Al-Isra and Al-Miraj and meditate on the significance of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as a role model for us all.
Let us make this night a means of seeking repentance and turning back to Allah, for He is always ready to forgive and accept our sincerest efforts.
On this blessed night, let us take a moment to thank Allah for His countless blessings and pray for His guidance and protection.
Seek spiritual enlightenment on this night, for it is a time when the doors of spiritual growth and elevation are wide open.
Remember, on this blessed night, to make dua (supplication) for the well-being and success of all Muslims around the world.
Strive to be in a state of constant remembrance of Allah on this night, for it is a time of immense blessings and spiritual connection.
The occasion of Lailat Al Miraj reminds us all to spread happiness, joy, positivity and love around us. Warm wishes on Lailat Al Miraj.
Shab E Meraj Images
May Allah Bless You and Your Family With His Countless Blessings On this Night.Remember me and my family in prayers! Bari Raat Mubarak!
May the blessings of the night of Al-Isra and Al-Miraj fill our hearts and lives with peace, joy, and guidance.
Today is the night of blessing,Recall us in your special prayers.May Allah bless you with his protection,Bunches of wealth, happiness, love, andHealth whole the year. Shab-e-meraj
This special night is a present of Allah Azzawajal,so ready yourself and welcome this night of blessing,Say thanks what he blessed you with,And pray for your healthy, wealthy upcoming year.Shab-e-meraj Mubarak.
O Allah, I ask you for your love, mercy and blessings. Ya Allah, guide me to do the good deeds and save me from wrong doing. Shab e meraj mubarak.
Remember Me In Your Prayers.May Allah Provide You With Solace,Bundles Of Happiness,Health And Wealth Through Out The Year. Shab e Mubarak
Believers put trust in Allah When ever they feel problem they seek help from Allah by making dua regardless of world.. shab e meraj mubarak
It’s the night God saved us from the craws of the evil one and purified us for the heavenly welcome. Have a blessed Laylat Al meraj night!
May we all are blessed with success, prosperity and peace in our lives with the blessings of Allah. A very Happy Lailat Al Miraj to you and your loved ones.
Sending warm wishes on the occasion of Lailat Al Miraj to you and your loved ones. May this auspicious occasion fill our hearts with happiness.
On the occasion of Lailat Al Miraj, let us forgive each and every person around us and make it a beautiful and meaningful life. Happy Lailat Al Miraj.
Shab E Meraj Messages
Agar Chahte ho k Khuda Mile, to Wo Karo jis se Dua Mile. Remember me in Prayers.
Shab-e-Miraj is a night of forgiveness. Ask for Allah’s Mercy on this Blessed Night.
The occasion of Lailat Al Miraj reminds us all to spread happiness, joy, positivity and love around us. Warm wishes on Lailat Al Miraj.
Let us all come together and take oath on this auspicious night to always follow the path shown by Prophet Muhammad. Happy Lailat Al Miraj.
Let us celebrate the high journey and this holy occasion of Lailat Al Miraj with our family and friends. Warm greetings on Lailat Al Miraj.
On the occasion of Lailat Al Miraj, let us forgive each and every person around us and make it a beautiful and meaningful life. Happy Lailat Al Miraj.
Sending warm wishes on the occasion of Lailat Al Miraj to you and your loved ones. May this auspicious occasion fill our hearts with happiness.
Ask for His forgiveness not only for yourself but for myself, all Muslims and the people living in the silent cities (graveyards).
Shab-e-Miraj is a blessed night when the Angels Celebrate Eid in the heavens. Let’s be a part of this night by offering prayers. Keep me alive in prayers.
It is the time when Allah Almighty is fully attentive to us. Pray, Pray and Pray to forgiveness for all Muslims live or departed.
Shab E Meraj Mubarak
Doctors can treat you, but only ALLAH can heal you
When things are too hard to handle, retreat & count your blessings instead.
Have fear of Allah wherever you are
Easy Dhikr LA ILAHA ILALLAH doesn’t require any movement of the of lips so you can repeat it all day without anyone noticing.
Fajr – A chance judge yourself on how close you are to ALLAH… how much do you want Jannah? enough to leave your bed and pray Fajr?
The occasion of Lailat Al Miraj reminds us all to spread happiness, joy, positivity and love around us. Warm wishes on Lailat Al Miraj.
Let us all come together and take oath on this auspicious night to always follow the path shown by Prophet Muhammad. Happy Lailat Al Miraj.
Let us celebrate the high journey and this holy occasion of Lailat Al Miraj with our family and friends. Warm greetings on Lailat Al Miraj.
On the occasion of Lailat Al Miraj, let us forgive each and every person around us and make it a beautiful and meaningful life. Happy Lailat Al Miraj.
Sending warm wishes on the occasion of Lailat Al Miraj to you and your loved ones. May this auspicious occasion fill our hearts with happiness.
Shab E Meraj
Wishing all my family and friends a blessed and beautiful Shab-e-Meraj. May we all are showered with the blessings of Allah.
Let us praise the journey of Prophet Muhammad and take inspiration from it. Shab-e-Meraj Mubarak to you.
The occasion of Lailat Al Miraj reminds us all to spread happiness, joy, positivity and love around us. Warm wishes on Lailat Al Miraj.
On the occasion of Shab-e-Meraj, I wish that all of us are blessed with prosperity and peace. Wishing everyone a very Happy Shab-e-Meraj.
Let us wish everyone around with the beautiful Rajab greetings on the occasion of Shab-e-Meraj and offer our prayers. Shab-e-Meraj Mubarak.
The occasion of Shab-e-Meraj is all about going to Maghrib after the Isha Namaz and seek blessings of Allah. Wishing a very Happy Shab-e-Meraj to you.
Warm wishes on Shab-e-Meraj to all. May on this auspicious day we offer together with our loved ones the Isha Namaz to celebrate this occasion.
Let us all come together and take oath on this auspicious night to always follow the path shown by Prophet Muhammad. Happy Lailat Al Miraj.
Let us celebrate the high journey and this holy occasion of Lailat Al Miraj with our family and friends. Warm greetings on Lailat Al Miraj.
Happy Shab E Meraj to All Muslims. May ALLAH award us with all life success, value, bliss, and right path (AameeN) Shab-e-Meraj-Mubarak to All my Muslim Brothers..
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