Sunday Quotes : I wish every day was a Sunday. This day comes after a long wait of six days. Sunday comes as a boon especially for students. It is such a relief from hurried mornings of weekdays. I get up late on a Sunday morning and laze around.
Sunday Quotes

It’s a new day. I’m alive. I’m blessed. God is good. God is great. Have a blessed Sunday!
Today will never come again. Be a blessing. Be a friend. Encourage someone. Take time to care. Let your words heal, and not wound
Happy Sunday. I wish your Sunday to be as sweet as ice cream, as a cheesecake, as a sugar cane, have a happy Sunday.
To all of my family and friends who can see this message, I really hope something wonderful happens for you today.
Smile more than you cry. Give more than you take and love more than you hate.
Sunday is a perfect day to choose a new path in life, don’t be afraid of changes, they come when they are really needed. Have a wonderful Sunday.
Sunday is a wonderful day to spend in the circle of your family and friends and make impressions for the whole week today.
A good life is when you smile often, dream big, laugh a lot & realize how blessed you are for what you have. ~Broken Angel
Happy & Blessed Sunday. May you enjoy the blessings and favor of God today. Enjoy the beauty that this day brings.
Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord, your God is with you wherever you go. ~Joshua 1:9
Happy Sunday.
Breathe in, breath out, today is going to be a blessed day.
It’s a beautiful Sunday morning and a great opportunity to thank the lord for reminding us of how blessed we are.
Good morning. Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. Happy Sunday.
Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done. ~Psalm 105:1 NLT
Have a wonderful and blessed Sunday! May you enjoy the blessings and favor of God today. Enjoy the beauty that the day brings. Happy Sunday!
Happy Sunday. Count your rainbows, not your thunderstorms
Have a lovely Sunday! Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.
Thank you for loving me unconditionally.
On this lovely Sunday, remember to take a deep breath and relax. Enjoy your family, and your friends, and indulge yourself in a nine cups of coffee.
Today is Sunday. We bow our heads in prayer, LORD JESUS asking for nothing..Only want to say Thank YOU for always being there when we have needed YOU. I am feeling: Happy Thankful Blessed by YOUR LOVE!
Happy Sunday Quotes

A Sunday well spent brings a week of happiness and contentment.
Give and accept pleasure, happiness, and laughter, because today is Sunday. Good morning!
Always find time for the things that make you feel happy to be alive. Happy Sunday.
God will never leave you empty. He will replace everything you lost. If He asks you to put something down, it’s because He wants you to pick up something greater. Blessed Sunday. God bless you.
Let all that you do be done in Love…Happy Sunday!
Sunday is all about relaxing. Happiness will be overloaded when you will do the desired things you want to do.
God bless your day with smiles, laughter, sunshine, mercy, kindness, and peace. Enjoy your day.
Do not let your Sunday be taken from you. If your soul has no Sunday, it becomes an orphan.
Today is Sunday. Share this and within 7 days you’ll get another Sunday. It really works. My friend ignored this message and he got a Monday within 24 hrs.
I really need a day between Saturday & Sunday.
Sunday is the day for the language of leisure.
If we could learn how to balance rest against effort, calmness against strain, and quiet against turmoil, we would assure ourselves of joy in living and psychological health for life.
Well, there’s nothing better than putting your feet up on a Sunday afternoon and grabbing a good book.
He that can take rest is greater than he that can take cities.
Sunday is the golden clasp that binds together the volume of the week.
Sunday, for me, is all about being home with the family with no plans.
Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week.
Sunday is a time when you sit back and reflect on all the blessings that you have received. Smile at all the good things that you are enjoying.
SUNDAY – The day I planned a lot but actually do nothing.
This is Sunday, and the question arises, what’ll I start tomorrow?
Palm Sunday Quotes

See life through the lens of a Sunday morning and everything will be easy.
No matter how harsh every situation may be, there is always a Sunday to keep you calm.
Sunday is a perfect day to choose a new path in life. Don’t be afraid of changes, they come when they are really needed. Have a wonderful Sunday.
SUNDAY. Take it slow and give your soul a chance to catch up with your body.
It’s a beautiful Sunday morning and a great opportunity to thank the Lord for reminding us how blessed we are.
Saturdays are for adventures, and Sundays are for cuddling.
Enjoy your Sunday! Have faith in your heart and the courage to fulfill all your dreams.
Happy Sunday! It is never too late to try what you haven’t done before and to go where you haven’t been.
Surround yourself with positive people who’ll give you bright emotions and Sunday will be unforgettable!
This is your Sunday evening reminder that you can handle whatever this week throws at you.
The road to success is always the hardest, remember this when you feel down.
When your life is free from worries, tears, and fears, you have a reason for happiness. Have a great Sunday!
Rejoice in happiness, be patient in grief, and thank the Lord for all you have. Have a beautiful Sunday.
Every morning God says: one more time, live life, and make a difference. Touch one’s heart, encourage one mind, and inspire one soul.
Do not let Sunday be taken from you. If your soul has no Sunday, it becomes an orphan.
On this wonderful Sunday, don’t forget to be thankful for the little things in life.
You are truly blessed when you spend Sunday with your close people and friends and value each precious moment.
Let go of all the worries and anxiety in order to be light and free. Have a lovely Sunday.
Oh, dear Sunday, I want to sleep in your arms and fun day.
Happy Sunday! Remember: whatever you do and wherever you go, take always a smile and a good mood with you.
Good Morning Sunday Quotes

Take your life into your own hands and make this Sunday awesome!
A Sunday well spent brings a week of content.
Have the courage to start a new path this Sunday and a miracle will happen.
You were given another opportunity to live Sunday cheerfully, use it and enjoy the day!
Tomorrow is a gift, today is a unique chance, and it is up to you what to do: do you dream about the gift, or use the chance?
Sunday is your best day. You know you had an amazing week. Time to recover and think about how you gonna kill the next one.
Happy Sunday! It is never too late to try what you haven’t done before or to go where you’ve never been.
Don’t let obstacles break you! May your future success be your main motivation. Happy Sunday.
It’s Sunday, therefore I am 100% motivated to do nothing today!
5 steps to a productive Sunday: Wake up early; Get some fresh air; Set a schedule; Make time for yourself; Be goal-oriented.
A Sunday well-spent brings a week of content.
Good morning. Sunday is a day of reflection. A day in which we think of the week past and of the week ahead. Have a happy Sunday.
There is always something new to learn and feel each Sunday.
Oh, dear Sunday, I want to sleep in your arms and have a fun day.
Sunday was always the best of days for being the self you had intended to be, but was not, for one reason or another.
We live but for a short time, we see but very little, and we know almost nothing; so, at least, let’s do some dreaming. Have yourself a very good Sunday, my dear readers.
Sunday is the Lord’s Day. Let us find time to be with him.
Sunday is the core of our civilization, dedicated to thought and reverence.
Our prayer cannot be reduced to an hour on Sundays. It is important to have a daily relationship with the Lord
Blessed Sunday Quotes

On Sunday morning, I’m not nervous… I can’t wait to tell you what God wants me to say.
Happy Sunday bestie! Appreciate the present moment and every day that follows. Have a wonderful Sunday filled with sunshine and warmth.
It’s Sunday again; may you have a wonderful week. Cheers to taking things easy and rejuvenating with friends and family!
Happy Sunday to my favorite friend in the world. I hope you are happy today; when you are happy, I feel happy too.
Take a deep breath. Be thankful for the life you’ve got. Seek courage from your loved ones and have a wonderful Sunday!
Sundays bring a lot of love and inspiration to you. Accept every opportunity that comes in your way and be grateful. Happy Sunday!
SUNDAY: The day. I planned a lot but actually do nothing.
There are many people who look at Sunday as a sponge to wipe out the sins of the week.
Sunday evenings often feel like the weekend is over before it is even begun.
Fill your heart with courage and your mind with positive thoughts. Make sure you’re all set for a new start this Sunday. Happy Sunday!
Smile more than you cry, give more than you take, and love more than you hate.
I’m obsessed with the radio. It’s a good start to Sunday morning.
Let’s lay in bed all day and trade sexual favors for trips to the fridge.
I once spent a year in Philadelphia, I think it was on a Sunday.
Weekends don’t count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless.
Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.
Do not let the shadows of yesterday spoil your sunshine today. Have a beautiful Sunday.
Good morning. Start where you are, use what you have, and do what you can. Happy Sunday.
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