Truth or Dare Questions : Truth and Dare is a party game that is played verbally between two or more players. Here the players in the game have the choice of whether to answer a question put forth to them, truthfully. Or they also have a choice of performing an act or a challenge known as a “dare”.
Truth or Dare Questions

What’s a crime you would commit if you knew you’d never get caught?
Which of your exes would you consider getting back together with?
What’s something you’ve always wanted to do but never have?
Do you have a guiding quote or principle you live by?
What was your first kiss like?
What do you think is the most romantic gesture?
Have you ever lied about your age?
Have you ever called out sick of work to go on a trip?
Would you go to a nudist beach?
What’s the most petty reason why you’ve ended a relationship?
What’s your least favorite part of your day-to-day?
What is the weirdest thing you have ever done in front of the mirror?
What is the strangest rumor you’ve heard about yourself?
Have you ever lied to get out of a bad date? If so, what was the lie?
If you farted in the elevator, would you blame someone else or say excuse me?
What’s the craziest thing you’ve done on public transportation?
Who was your worst kiss ever?
What was the last thing you searched for on your phone?
What would you do if you got locked in a supermarket overnight?
If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you do?
What is the most drunk you have ever been?
Good Truths for Truth or Dare

If you had to delete one app from your phone, which one would it be?
Have you ever been nude in public?
How many gossip blogs do you read a day?
What is the youngest age partner you’d date?
Have you ever picked your nose in public?
What’s the pettiest reason you’ve ended a relationship?
What’s your most embarrassing late-night purchase?
What’s the longest you’ve gone without showering?
Have you ever used a fake ID?
Who’s your hall pass?
What was your favorite childhood show?
If you had to change your name, what would your new first name be?
If you could be a fictional character for a day, who would you choose?
If you could date a fictional character, who would it be?
What’s your biggest fear?
What’s one silly thing you can’t live without?
Where was your favorite childhood vacation spot?
What is the weirdest trend you’ve ever participated in?
If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
Who do you text the most?
Truth or Dare Questions Spicy

What do you do that could give someone else the ick?
What gives you the ick?
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?
What is a weird food that you love?
What was your biggest childhood fear?
Did you ever have a crush on a teacher at school?
What’s the weirdest thing you’re obsessed with on TikTok?
What’s the most surprising thing your bag right now?
Who is your weird celebrity crush?
What’s the weirdest habit you have when you’re alone?
What’s a secret you’ve never told anyone?
Do you have a favorite sibling?
Do you have a favorite friend?
What’s your biggest fear?
Do you have a hidden talent?
What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done?
Who’s your least favorite person in this room?
Who would you call to help you bury a body?
What’s one thing you’d never do, even for 1 million dollars?
When was the last time you lied?
Good Dares for Truth or Dare

Talk without closing your mouth for the rest of the game.
Post the worst photo of yourself on your phone to all your social media accounts, with no explanation.
Chew a mouthful of crackers and whistle.
Read the most intimate text you’ve written in the past month out loud.
Drop an ice cube down your underwear and leave it there until it melts.
Do a freestyle rap about the person to your left.
Do everything super slowly for the next three rounds.
Walk around the block backward.
Juggle three objects picked by the other players.
Take a screenshot of your browsing history and send it to the group.
Pretend to be your least favorite celebrity for one hour.
Call a nearby pizza place and ask if they can stop at the grocery store and get you ice cream with your pizza delivery.
Attempt a cartwheel until you get it right.
Send a voice note to your crush singing “The Wheels on the Bus.”
Take a photo of a vegetable and post it on your Instagram story for an hour.
Post a photo of yourself with a ridiculous filer, caption it “Unfiltered,” and leave it up on Instagram for 10 minutes.
Change your email signature to something bizarre for the next hour.
Put your out-of-office on and leave it there until Monday.
Change your job on LinkedIn to “Love Is Blind Contestant” for the next hour.
Change your Slack avatar so it’s the same one as a colleague’s until Monday.
Post a random photo on your Instagram story and write “I love work” next to it.
Good Truth or Dare Questions

Video yourself opening your windows and singing as loud as you can.
I dare you to order me $10 worth of food delivery.
Do a three-way prank call and let me listen.
Cut a piece of our hair.
Brush your teeth with peanut butter and send a photo.
Text a random number a selfie.
Find the spiciest thing in your house and eat a whole spoonful.
Make a video of you making your weirdest personal habit.
Dress up like me and send a photo.
Change your profile picture to an unflattering photo for one day.
Make a funny face and hold it for 30 seconds without laughing.
Wear mismatched socks for the rest of the day!
Do your best “falling down” impression in slow motion.
Try to say a tongue twister really fast five times in a row!
Give everyone in the room a funny nickname for the next round of the game!
Sing your favorite song in a silly accent!
Try to act like a curious baby exploring the world for 30 seconds!
Try to crawl under a table or chair without getting stuck!
Try to imitate the way a grown-up walks and talks for one minute!
Try to tell a joke with a completely straight face!
Spicy Truth or Dare Questions

Let another player style your hair and leave it that way for the rest of the game.
Video chat the person of your choice but pick your nose through the entire conversation.
Put your shoes on the wrong feet and keep them there for the rest of the game.
Call a random acquaintance and tell them you want to break up.
Let the other players pose you and remain in that position until your next turn.
Allow someone else in the group to blindfold you and feed you one item out of the fridge.
Lead the group in a mini yoga class for one minute.
How old are you? Whatever your age is, do that many squats.
Perform a dance routine to a boy band song of the group’s choice.
Let another player draw a washable marker mustache on you.
Text me a code word that means ‘I love you’ in a public setting today.
Plan a surprise date for us but keep all the details a secret until the day of.
Attempt to make our favorite dessert together blindfolded.
Pick out an outfit for me to wear on our next date night.
Take a silly photo of the two of us that we keep private.
Leave a flirty voicemail on my phone when you know I can’t answer.
Try to serenade me with the most romantic song you can think of.
Write a poem for me, no matter how silly or sweet, and read it aloud.
Lead a blindfolded taste test with various snacks and treats.
Record a funny dance routine together and save it to look back on.