Would You Rather Questions for Teens : As home educators, we are constantly seeking for new ways to make learning more enjoyable and interesting. That’s where writing prompts such as “would you rather” come in! Here are a few of the many advantages of incorporating these prompts into your child’s education:
Would You Rather Questions for Teens

Would you rather be the main character in a love story or an adventure story?
Would you rather be banned from taking selfies or using filters on your pictures?
Would you rather have a cell phone that can be used only when plugged into a wall or a laptop that holds a charge for only one hour a day?
Would you rather be limited to watching one show on Netflix per year or listening to one song on Spotify per month?
Would you rather lose one of your Air Pods the first day you have them or crack the screen of your iPhone?
Would you rather find out that a friend shared your private text messages or recorded you without your knowledge?
Would you rather have an embarrassing video of you become the next viral GIF or discover that someone is using your photos to catfish people online?
Would you rather be entered into a professional gaming tournament without any experience or have one million social media followers but no ideas for content?
Would you rather create a new technology that reads people’s minds or can show you one day into the future?
Would you rather host a podcast where you interview celebrities or have one million subscribers on YouTube?
Would you rather wear a GoPro helmet everywhere you go for one year or have a camera crew follow you around for six months?
Would you rather never have to charge your devices again or have unlimited free Wi-Fi everywhere you go?
Would you rather be famous on the internet for a meme or have a minor role in a blockbuster movie?
Would you rather have a pet dinosaur (that’s safe!) or a robot with AI?
Would you rather have a month without any homework or a week where you can eat anything without consequences?
Would you rather have the ability to paint like Picasso or sing like Freddie Mercury?
Would you rather always get stuck in traffic but listen to the best songs on the radio or have a clear road but only listen to ads?
Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or be immune to fire?
Would you rather live without music or without movies?
Would you rather always know the future or be able to revisit any moment in the past?

Be a great but unrecognized artist or be a terrible but famous artist?
Would you rather work in a startup or a well-established company?
lose all your memories or lose all your talents?
have brilliant but mean friends or have dull but kind friends?
be wealthy and unhappy or broke and happy?
be able to pause your life or be able to rewind your life?
be buried or cremated?
earn your achievements or be able to buy your way into success?
your funeral be sad or your funeral be celebratory?
find your soulmate or find your purpose?
die before or after your soulmate?
Would you rather be overworked in a job you love or have an easy job that you hate?
Would you rather have a boss who gives you too much freedom or too much guidance?
Would you rather work in a job that benefits society or a job that benefits you financially?
Would you rather be an astronaut or a deep-sea diver?
Would you rather work in a creative field or a technical field?
Would you rather work with animals or with computers?
Would you rather be self-employed with an uncertain income or employed with a steady income?
Would you rather have a boring job title but interesting work or an interesting job title but boring work?
Would you rather job-hop every few years or stay with one company for your entire career?

Would you rather have the ability to stop time or travel through time?
Would you rather have the ability to see the future or to see into people’s hearts?
Would you rather have a long life but no one remembers you after you’re gone or a short life but leave a lasting impact on the world?
Would you rather always know whether someone is telling the truth or always be able to calm yourself down in any situation?
Would you rather be able to read minds or control people’s actions?
Would you rather live in a world without war or a world without disease?
Would you rather be happy and content but poor or successful and wealthy but unhappy?
Would you rather be able to speak any language or understand what animals say?
Would you rather be able to teleport objects or turn invisible?
Would you rather have the ability to feel no pain or never experience fear?
Would you rather lose your phone or wake up every morning by 5 am?
Would you rather be in the Olympics for snowboarding or diving?
Would you rather brush your teeth with soap or drink sour milk?
Would you rather be stung by a jellyfish or 50 mosquitos?
Would you rather miss prom or miss graduation?
Would you rather have a personal chef or a personal stylist?
Would you rather live with your parents forever or live on your own starting today?
Would you rather win the lottery or live to 120?
Would you rather move to an exotic island or a bustling city?
Would you rather skip a grade or never have to pay for gas again?

Make a new friend every day or make one perfect friend in your lifetime?
Meet a deceased family member you’ve never met or a deceased famous person?
Win the lottery or have the chance to go back in time?
Be a bad person who looks beautiful or a nice person who looks unattractive?
Live during a time of world peace or create world peace?
Be a teenager forever or skip your teen years?
Save all the animals of the world or save all the children of the world?
Step in when you see bullying or beat your own bully in a fight?
Have society revert to ancient times or skip a thousand years to the future?
Win a billion dollars and give it all away or have to spend it on yourself all in one day?
Would you rather go on a double date with your parents or with your significant other’s parents?
Would you rather be turned down for a dance by someone you do like or asked to a dance by someone you don’t like?
Would you rather forget the name of a person you’re on a date with or call them your ex’s name by accident?
Would you rather get the stomach bug on a first date or run into your parents on a first date?
Would you rather always smell bad around the person you like or always say something embarrassing around the person you like?
Would you rather date someone who’s gorgeous but unfunny or someone who’s okay-looking but hilarious?
Would you rather go on a great date with someone you disagree about everything with, or go on an okay date with someone you agree with about everything?
Would you rather realize halfway through a date that there’s something in your teeth or something in your nose?
Would you rather date someone really quiet or someone really loud?
Would you rather date someone three feet taller than you or three feet shorter than you?

Would you rather eat lunch alone or with a bunch of new students in your school?
Would you rather have no deodorant or toothpaste for two weeks?
Would you rather be the smartest or the prettiest/most handsome in your class?
Would you rather be the teacher’s favorite or the class clown?
Would you rather have a cat or a dog as a family pet?
Would you rather have a younger or older sibling?
Would you rather give up your phone or your tablet/PC/laptop?
Would you rather eat a peanut butter or jelly sandwich?
Would you rather fail a math test or cheat to pass?
Would you rather play solo in a band or sing solo in a choir?
Would you rather move ahead or go back two grade levels?
Would you rather have 10 kids or zero kids when you grow up?
Would you rather have all brothers or all sisters as siblings?
Would you rather be successful but work 60 hrs. a week or struggle financially but only work part-time?
Would you rather shop only at Walmart or only at Dollar Tree?
Would you rather choose Hawaii or France for a vacation?
Would you rather be super strong or super fast?
Would you rather a birthday party with all your friends and no presents or vice versa?
Would you rather be a stand-up comedian or write a novel?
Would you rather pass eat only pizza for dinner every night or eat only McDonalds?
Would you rather have you parents follow you around school all day or your grandparents?