Would You Rather Questions Funny : As home educators, we are constantly seeking for new ways to make learning more enjoyable and interesting. That’s where writing prompts such as “would you rather” come in! Here are a few of the many advantages of incorporating these prompts into your child’s education:
Would You Rather Questions Funny

Would you rather be able to perform magic or be able to fly?
Would you rather have a name everyone misspells or a name everyone forgets?
Would you rather only wear one color each day or have to wear seven colors each day?
Would you rather have a dog with a cat’s personality or a cat with a dog’s personality?
Would you rather have a flying carpet or be able to ride a dragon?
Would you rather write a book about your life or shoot a movie about it?
Would you rather babysit 5 kids at once or walk 10 dogs at once?
Would you rather have no hair on your body whatsoever or have hair all over your body?
Would you rather have to make a one-minute speech in front of 10,000 people or walk through the main square of your town naked?
If you were to replay your life events as a music album, would you rather play them on shuffle or from beginning to end?
Would you rather smash every plate you touch or every mirror you see?
Would you rather never celebrate your favorite holiday or have your friends never celebrate their favorite holiday?
Would you rather have to dress like Batman for every funeral or dress like Mr. Blobby for every wedding?
Would you rather only eat chalk or constantly vomit fur-balls?
Would you rather skip when you are in a hurry or only be able to shower in milk?
Would you rather cluck like a chicken when you read or screech like a rooster before you talk?
Would you rather have springs stuck to your back or have to wear a hat that can’t be removed?
Would you rather be fluent in every language (only when shouting) or understand animals but they can only whisper directly in your ear?
Would you rather sweat washing up liquid or have your saliva taste like air freshener?
Would you rather not be able to see your reflection or have to dress in onesies?
Would you rather greet everyone with a high-five or call everyone you know (including your boss) “buddy”?
Would you rather participate in a 200-person food fight or a 5-day-long water balloon fight?
Would you rather have everything you do appear on your body as a tattoo for 24 hours or have your skin color change based on your emotions?
Would you rather everyone listen to their music without headphones or chew loud?
Would you rather your only form of transportation, besides walking, be a set of rollerblades or a unicycle?
Would you rather have the head of a unicorn and the body of a fish or the head of a fish and the body of a unicorn?
Would you rather your grilled cheese always be perfectly stringy or your soda never go flat?
Would you rather hear “There’s a snake in your boot” from Toy Story every time you put on your shoes or hear the theme song from Up every time you walk out your front door?
Would you rather have to climb in through the window or shower with your clothes on?
Would you rather vomit every time you see a clown or fart every time you eat garlic?
Funny Would You Rather Questions

Cry rainbow colored tears, or fart rainbow colored gas balls?
Have only one eyebrow, or no eyelashes?
Own an elephant the size of a gerbil, or a gerbil the size of an elephant?
Sneeze whenever you say a word that contains the letter “E,” or vomit whenever you say a word that contains the letter “Z”?
Forget your password every weekend for the rest of your life, or forget your name every time you meet someone for the first time?
Wake up as the opposite sex once a month, or wake up in a strange place once a year?
Try to survive a month in the desert with your friends, or five years in a reality TV house with really dumb cast members?
Have only eight fingers, or only eight toes?
Find out your spouse cheated on you on the Jerry Springer Show, or get a divorce on Judge Judy?
Be allergic to the sun, or allergic to sweat?
Would you rather have to sing everything you say or dance every time you walk?
Would you rather have to eat a bowl of spiders or a bowl of live worms (assuming they’re safe to eat)?
Would you rather have a personal theme song that plays every time you enter a room or have a laugh track play with your jokes (even if they aren’t funny)?
Would you rather have to wear clown shoes every day or a clown wig?
Would you rather have to announce your bathroom activities with a loudspeaker or have an audience every time you shower?
Would you rather have the ability to speak only in puns or be unable to recognize when others are using sarcasm?
Would you rather have a pet dinosaur or a pet dragon (assuming they’re house-trained)?
Would you rather have spaghetti for hair or have to sneeze meatballs?
Would you rather have to communicate using only interpretative dance or communicate using only charades?
Would you rather have the ability to speak fluent gibberish or understand any animal language?
Would you rather only use Netflix or only use Tik Tok?
Would you rather have a perfect face or a hot body?
Would you rather date a girl or date a boy?
Would you rather spend money on makeup or clothes?
Would you rather listen to only Black Pink or only Lil Nas X for the rest of your life?
Would you rather eat burgers for a week or ice cream for a week?
Would you rather have to switch closets with your brother or only wear the clothes your mom buys for you?
Would you rather be in your sleeping pants or a suit all day?
Would you rather be a character in Friends or in Breaking Bad?
Would you rather have OCD or an Anxiety attack?
Fun Would You Rather Questions

Would you rather be born without knees or without elbows?
Would you rather be able to freeze time for everyone except yourself or rewind time by one minute whenever you want?
Would you rather have a backpack that can carry anything without getting heavy or shoes that make you run as fast as the wind?
Would you rather be followed by a trail of colorful balloons or a trail of friendly fireflies?
Would you rather have a personal snowstorm that keeps you cool in hot weather or a personal sunbeam that warms you up in cold weather?
Would you rather have a pet parrot that can sing any song perfectly or a pet turtle that can predict the weather?
Would you rather be able to turn any object into candy or make any object play your favorite music?
Would you rather always have to wear clothes that change colors randomly or clothes that glow in the dark?
Would you rather have a talking plant that gives gardening tips or a talking fish that tells you ocean secrets?
Would you rather have the ability to understand and speak any language fluently or instantly solve any puzzle or riddle?
Would you rather have a magical tiara that grants you the power of telekinesis or a magical ring that lets you breathe underwater?
Would you rather be able to time travel within a certain range or be able to freeze time?
Would you rather be extremely allergic to your favorite food or forced to eat your least favorite food one a week?
Would you rather only get to work in a helicopter or only get to work on a horse?
Would you rather have a slow car or a fast bike?
Would you rather be smart but a total jerk or really sweet but really dumb?
Would you rather only be able to communicate with animals or only be able to communicate with people from another country?
Would you rather have the ability to read the minds of everyone in the world or to be able to move objects with your mind?
Would you rather only be able to wear sweatpants for the rest of your life or only be able to wear suits for the rest of your life?
Would you rather have to make a one-minute speech in front of 10,000 people or have to kiss a frog?
Would you rather give up social media or eat the same dinner for the rest of your life?
Would you rather be part of a small team or a large team?
Would you rather partner with Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos to launch your own business?
Would you rather be dressed in your pajamas or in a suit at work?
Would you rather have the best unlimited coffee or the best unlimited pantry snacks?
Would you rather attend meetings all day or work at a desk all day?
Would you rather follow a set routine or work on different tasks every day?
Would you rather work with little supervisory feedback or receive regular feedback from your boss?
Would you rather work all day in a noisy environment or in a very quiet space?
Would you rather own your own company and retire at 30 or work for someone else and retire at 60?
Would you rather work that requires you to move around all day or a job that requires you only sit at your desk?
Would you rather remain in your city or have the opportunity to work abroad?
Would you rather have every word you say to become true or know when other people are lying?
Would you rather have a magic carpet or a flying broomstick?
Would you rather be able to summon a giant rubber duck whenever you’re feeling sad or be able to turn invisible, but only for five seconds at a time?
Would you rather have a pet hamster that can talk but has an annoying voice or a pet bird that can sing but only sings off-key?
Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or make fire out of your hands?
Would you rather have a giant tongue or giant ears?
Would you rather have a personal genie or personal fairy godmother?
Would you rather always have to speak in rhyme or wear a hat?
Would you rather have to talk like an opera singer or dance like a ballerina every time you speak?
Would you rather have to wear a costume whenever you go out in public or tell a joke whenever you meet someone new?