Trivia Questions for Kids : Your general knowledge trivia round can be made up of questions about more generalist subjects such as news and current affairs, which can be followed by themed sections on specific topics, such as geography, music and movies.
Trivia Questions for Kids

Stratus, cirrus, cumulus and nimbus are types of what?
Answer: Clouds
What are the only two U.S. states that can grow coffee commercially?
Answer: Hawaii and California
What letter is not included in any of the 50 U.S. state names?
Answer: The letter Q
What does a thermometer measure?
Answer: Temperature
During a thunderstorm, which comes first: lightning or thunder?
Answer: Both. They occur at approximately the same time. However, if we’re at a distance from a storm, we see lightning before we hear thunder because light travels much faster than sound.
What is a haboob?
Answer: A type of sandstorm
What color is at the top of the rainbow?
Answer: Red. Bonus points! Name all seven colors. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.
What color are the stars in the American flag?
Answer: White
What color are zebras’ strips when they are first born?
Answer: Brown
What is the most popular color of car?
Answer: White. Bonus! What is the second most popular color? Silver.
Who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?
Answer: Michelangelo
Which is the oldest religion in the world?
Answer: Hinduism dating back to 2300 BCE
Which country started the tradition of the Olympics?
Answer: Greece
Where did the Industrial Revolution begin?
Answer: Britain
How many paintings did Van Gogh sell during his lifetime?
Answer: Only one!
Who led the Vikings to Greenland for settlement?
Answer: Erik the Red
Which is the only country to share coastline with both the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf?
Answer: Saudi Arabia
In which year did World War II start?
Answer: 1939
Who gave the iconic speech “I Have a Dream”?
Answer: Martin Luther King
Name the world’s largest island that is not a continent.
Answer: Greenland

In which city would you find the Statue of Liberty?
Answer: New York City
What planet is known for having rings?
Answer: Saturn
What is the name of the fictional British spy who likes his martinis “shaken, not stirred”?
Answer: James Bond
What mythical creature is said to breathe fire and often guards treasure?
Answer: Dragon
Which fruit is known as the “king of fruits” and is famous for its strong smell?
Answer: Durian
What is the main ingredient in traditional Italian pizza dough?
Answer: Flour
Which country is home to the kangaroo?
Answer: Australia
What is the name of the galaxy that contains our Solar System?
Answer: Milky Way
Who wrote “The Cat in the Hat”?
Answer: Dr. Seuss
What is the chemical symbol for water?
Answer: H2O
Which sea animal has eight legs?
Answer: Octopus.
What is the most popular pet in the U.S.?
Answer: Dogs.
What do you call a group of fish?
Answer: A school.
What kind of animal can talk?
Answer: Parrot.
What do you call a baby kangaroo?
Answer: A joey.
What does a panda eat?
Answer: Bamboo.
What is the world’s largest animal?
Answer: Blue whale.
What do you call an animal that sleeps during the day and is awake at night?
Answer: Nocturnal.
Which land animal runs the fastest?
Answer: Cheetah.
Which ocean animal is most intelligent?
Answer: Dolphins.
Kids Trivia Questions

Who said “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind”?
Answer: Mahatma Gandhi
Who wrote To Kill a Mockingbird?
Answer: Harper Lee
Who was the first female prime minister of the United Kingdom?
Answer: A home in England
Who was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic?
Answer: Amelia Earhart
What is the waterfall located on the border of Canada and the United States?
Answer: Niagara Falls
What is the address of the White House?
Answer: The White House
What famous German composer lost his hearing?
Answer: Ludwig van Beethoven
What is the name of the Greek goddess of love?
Answer: Aphrodite
What is the name of the novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald about the 1920s in West Egg?
Answer: The Great Gatsby
In what language does “ni hao” mean “hello”?
Answer: Chinese (Mandarin)
Name the animal with the largest eyes?
Answer: Giant Squid
How many sides are there in Octagon?
Answer: Eight
In how many years Olympics are held?
Answer: Four
How many players are there in a netball game?
Answer: Seven
Name the Disney character who flies sitting on a carpet.
Answer: Aladdin
When is Valentine’s day celebrated?
Answer: 14th of February
Why did Jack and Jill go up the hill?
Answer: They went to fetch a pail of water.
Name the coldest place in the world.
Answer: Antarctica
Which is the largest bone on the human body?
Answer: Thigh Bone
Name the bird which can mimic humans.
Answer: Parrot

What is America’s least favorite pizza topping?
Answer: Anchovies.
In what game is “love” a score?
Answer: Tennis.
Whose porridge does Goldilocks eat?
Answer: The three bears.
What did the wolf disguise himself as in the story of “Little Red Riding Hood?”
Answer: A grandmother.
What do the initials SUV stand for in the automotive world?
Answer: Sports utility vehicle.
What is the shape of a stop sign?
Answer: Octagon.
In bowling, how many pins are set up at the beginning of each frame?
Answer: 10.
What is the name of the tree that grows cocoa beans?
Answer: Cacao tree.
What is the capital city of France?
Answer: Paris.
What is the tallest mountain in the world?
Answer: Mt. Everest
In what movie will you find characters who are looking for a brain, a heart, and courage?
Answer: The Wizard of Oz
What movie is Princess Fiona from?
Answer: Shrek
What is the largest continent?
Answer: Asia
What temperature does water freeze at?
Answer: 32 degrees Fahrenheit
How many Great Lakes are there?
Answer: Five
What is the imaginary line called that connects the North and South Pole?
Answer: Prime Meridian
What kind of tree do prunes come from?
Answer: A plum tree
What gulf is located to the south of Florida?
Answer: The Gulf of Mexico
What is the hardest natural substance?
Answer: A diamond
Which state was the 50th state to join the union?
Answer: Hawaii

What is the name of the vehicle that travels underwater?
Answer: Submarine
What is the term for the amount of energy needed to keep the body functioning while at rest?
Answer: Basal Metabolic Rate or BMR
What is the name of the organ responsible for pumping blood throughout the body?
Answer: Heart
What is the name of the nutrient that helps build and repair body tissues?
Answer: Protein
What is the term for the process by which food is broken down in the body to release energy?
Answer: Digestion
What is the name of the substance found in dairy products that helps build strong bones and teeth?
Answer: Calcium
What is the name of the vehicle that travels on tracks and is powered by electricity?
Answer: Train
What is the term for the vehicle used to carry astronauts to space?
Answer: Spacecraft
What is the vehicle’s name that flies in the Earth’s atmosphere and is used for transportation?
Answer: Airplane
What is the term for a vehicle used to transport goods by road?
Answer: Truck
Trivia Question: What is a group of lions called?
Answer: A pride
How many books are there in the Harry Potter series?
Answer: 7
In the nursery rhyme Baa baa black sheep how many bags of wool did the sheep have?
Answer: 3
In Goldilocks, what kind of food were the bears letting cool off?
Answer: Porridge
In the famous Aesop fable, which two animals race each other?
Answer: The tortoise and the hare
In Jack and The Beanstalk, how many magic beans did Jack trade for the cow?
Answer: 5
How tall is Thumbelina?
Answer: 1 inch
What color is the rabbit that Alice meets in Alice in Wonderland?
Answer: White
What color is the Cat in the hat’s umbrella?
Answer: Blue
How many books did Dr. Seuss write and illustrate himself?
Answer: 44